Perfect Dent4.0 Laboratory
PerfectDent4.0 was founded in 2009 in Kavaje by Hysen Dibra, graduated in IPSIA San Benedetto del Tronto. The laboratory was initially created to provide services of fixed metal-ceramic bridges and mobile prostheses. In 2010 the studio was transferred to Tirana, where it increased the services offered and the investments in equipment.

Since 2014 the studio has been equipped with a cad-cam system to provide even more precise and highly technological work, including zircon, peek, disilicate, pmma. Every year, PerfectDent4.0 invests in technology and human resources. The staff is specialized in ceramic works on lithium disilicate, zirconia and metal-ceramic, cad design, complete anatomy, toronto bridge, implant bar, transparent orthodontics, and computer-aided surgery.

The goal of the year 2020 is to offer an entirely digital job. At the moment the laboratory consists of 14 employees, three extra scanners SMART OPTICS | MEDIT T300 | YNDETECH EDGE DOF, two CAM VHF K5 / K5+ hi-tech, E_LAB color acquisition system.

Thanks to the trust and positive feedback received, we can say that we are one of the best laboratories in Albania, so much so that we are often selected as a pilot laboratory for various projects.