At least one in three people experience fear or anxiety when having an appointment with the dentist. If the patient has to undergo surgery or implantology, this figure is expected to increase. But today there is a safe, simple, and non-invasive way that allows you to face dental care without pain, anxiety, or fear.
How does it work

During this procedure, anxiolytic e analgesic drugs are administered intravenously to the patient and, if necessary, can be added anti-vomiting, antibiotic, cortisone, or antiallergic drugs. The patient is totally relaxed, the anxiety disappears, the perception of the dental session is lost, and the pharyngeal reflex is reduced. Breathing and consciousness are not lost, but the patient remains dormant and, after the procedure, they remember almost nothing of the intervention.
Although vital functions and reflexes are not disturbed by this type of anesthesia, the doctor uses the monitor to check all vital signs, in order to ensure maximum safety. It is important to know that this type of anesthesia is very safe, but it must always be performed by a specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation. For your maximum safety, we collaborate with one of the best anesthesiologists of the “Mother Teresa” University Hospital in Tirana.
Why is it needed?
- Reduction, until disappearing of the patient’s discomfort:
-Difficulty breathing
-Allergic reactions
-Panic/anxiety crisis
-Claustrophobic reactions
- Maximum safety and tranquility in patients suffering from general pathologies :
-Psychiatric disorders
- Interventions in patients who do not collaborate with the dentists :
-Phobic patients
-Anxious patients
-Autism patients
-Psychomotor disorders
- Macro-surgery interventions
- Implantology for the reconstruction of the entire jaw (4,6,8 implants)
- Maxillary sinus lift
- Bone augmentation procedures
- Difficult extractions
- Long interventions
- It allows the operator to work in conditions of greater serenity
- It gives the possibility to perform multiple surgical procedures in one session
Am I a candidate?
In general, this type of anesthesia does not involve contraindications and can be used in almost all patients. However, the anesthesiologist will evaluate your preoperative status and your clinical case to make sure that you are a suitable candidate for intravenous sedation.
Do I have to prepare for intravenous sedation?
- If you are treating yourself for other diseases, take the medications as always in the same time and quantity, if the anesthesiologist-resuscitator doctor has not said otherwise
- Do not use alcohol or drugs (cannabis, cocaine) 48 hours before surgery
- Do not consume food and water respectively 6 hours and 2 hours before surgery
- You must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18, who will help you return home by car/taxi when the surgery is done
- Tell the doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeedingo
- Do not breastfeed your baby before 12 hours have passed after surgery.
What precautions should I take after the intervention?
- You will stay in the clinic for at least an hour after the intervention has ended. The anesthesiologist will evaluate when you can go home
- You must not go home alone, a friend/parent will have to drive if you are in your car.
For 12 hours:
- You must not ride motorbikes or bicycles
- You must not work or use the car
- You must not use alcohol or drugs
- You must not sign important documents
- You must not take care of others
- You must rest until the entire effect of the anesthesia disappears
If you have a problem you can call 24/7 the clinic number. You will always find someone available to help you and respond to any emergency.