Zygomatic Implants vs. Traditional Dental Implants

Male patient before and after dental implants in Albania

Tooth loss is very common and it causes complications such as problems in speech, difficulties in speaking, or changes in chewing patterns. The solution for this issue is the dental implant procedure. This can improve the patient’s quality of life dramatically and improve his overall health avoiding more major issues. 

As you may know, the dental implant consists of the dental implant body and the abutment and maybe an abutment fixation screw. The dentist inserts the dental implant body in the jawbone to replace the missing root. This may be divided into two separate procedures or done all in one. In this blog article, we will help you make the difference between Zygomatic Implants and Traditional Dental Implants. 

image illustrating a dental visit for preparing for zygomatic implants in Albania

Why Do We Lose Our Teeth

Tooth loss which is also known as edentulism, is a common problem all over the world, mostly in adults. This may happen for several reasons:

Gum Disease

Gum disease also known as periodontitis is the most common cause of tooth loss. This condition happens when tartar, bacteria, and plaque build-up and infect the teeth and the gumline. When these conditions don’t get treated in time and in the right way they can even infect the bone that holds the teeth, leading them to fall out. 

Dental Decay

Dental decay and cavities are another common cause of tooth loss. This condition develops when the bacteria in your teeth start to eat away the tooth enamel and it can affect people of all ages. This condition can be treated by different procedures like fillings but if the problem develops further, a dental implant may be needed. 

Oral Trauma

Tooth loss can be caused by dental or physical trauma. You may lose a tooth by doing sports if you trip and fall, or maybe in a car crash. These cannot be prevented and you may find yourself in a dental emergency. 

Image illustrating dental implants in Albania.

What’s The Difference Between Traditional Dental Implants And Zygomatic Implants?

As we mentioned before dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and they serve as their replacement. In this blog, we will talk about the difference between traditional dental implants and zygotic ones. 

Starting with the old method which is the traditional dentures, they fit over the gums are they can be removed. They are not widely used anymore because they cause sore spots and may slip. So overall, these options don’t solve all the issues caused by missing teeth.

Dental implants are the best option if you are considering tooth replacement. They offer long-term results, functioning and looking just like regular teeth. These dental implants are secured firmly and composed of strong materials, making them very hard to damage or move. This procedure restores confidence and can improve the overall function of the mouth. After having this procedure done you should take care of your new teeth just like you do with your natural ones. Dental implants are more comfortable and offer longer-lasting results, and that’s why they are preferred more than traditional dentures. 

Last but not least, zygotic implants. They are widely used when the patient doesn’t have sufficient bone to hold a traditional dental implant. The main difference is that in the procedure of the zygomatic implant, the abutment screw is placed diagonally into the cheekbone, to be fixated in the lower bone. 

These options all have the same function and the type of dental implant that is right for you will depend on your overall health, how many teeth you are missing, their location, and if you have sufficient bone to hold down the implant. 

How Do Traditional Dental Implants Work?

Traditional dental implant procedures are used to replace missing teeth and soft tissues around them. They are kept on during the day with a dental adhesive and by night they can be removed. The adhesive is pretty strong and it will stick to your gums and dentures, keeping them in place. Steel dental caps are sometimes used to secure the dentures to the remaining natural teeth. 

This treatment option can replace the full set of missing teeth on both the lower and upper jaw. Either one or all of the teeth can be replaced. These traditional dentures are created to fit and look like your natural teeth and provide the same function, regardless of your jaw density. Usually, this procedure is shorter than getting dental implants and doesn’t require a lot of procedures to be done. 

The first step of the procedure is creating a mold around the area where the denture should be placed. This impression is taken by the dentist and he will study your jaws and bones to create the perfect fit for you. When the impressions are ready from the lab they will try it on their patient to check if they feel comfortable and see if they like the look of them. If there are any problems, changes can still be made. The recovery time and denture creation time will not take a lot of time. 

Impianti Dentali Zigomatici by Dr. Ersted in Albania.

How Do Zygomatic Implants Work?

The resorption process happens when multiple teeth are lost and the area where they are missing is no longer stimulated by the roots, the body will later break down and reabsorb the bone, making it insufficient for a dental implant. This condition will also compromise the facial structure shifting the teeth. 

Zygomatic implants are used in cases where then the bone is not sufficient or it can’t provide the needed support for a dental implant. They also offer a solution if the patient doesn’t want to undergo a bone graft or sinus lift. 

These implants will be surgically located above the maxillary bone, into the cheekbones which are called the zygoma. The bone graft procedure will not be needed because these bones are strong enough to keep the implant in place. These implants are longer, and stronger, and offer a replacement for the full arch of the upper teeth. The procedure will be done by a maxillofacial surgeon and not a traditional dentist because it requires their specialty and experience. 

Another advantage of zygotic implants is that they will be fitted in one day and they will not need a lot of recovery time. The procedure is similar to the traditional implants, requiring the placement of a temporary bridge and a second appointment for the permanent one. The temporary bridge will look similar to the permanent one but it will be weaker. The good thing is that you don’t have to wait a lot between the procedures but you will get the results relatively fast, unlike traditional implants. 

Compared to the bone graft procedure, the zygotic implants have a higher success rate and don’t require a lot of invasion on the jawbone. This option will offer all the benefits of the traditional implants, and provide these patients with long-lasting, natural-looking, and completely secure teeth. 

Image illustrating a zygomatic implant surgery in Albania.

Advantages Of Zygomatic Implants

Zygotic implants offer a lot of advantages and some of them are:

  • If the patient suffers from a severe case of atrophy (bone loss), this can be the best solution. 
  • The treatment time of this procedure is shorter. 
  • Bone grafting will not be needed. 
  • They are not very expensive.  
  • You will not be hospitalized because it is not an invasive procedure. 
  • You won’t need a lot of procedures done. 
  • It has a higher success rate than traditional implants that are used for bone regeneration. 

To get the best results from this procedure you should follow the doctor’s recommendation carefully and take care of yourself. Some factors that you should consider can be:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene, and take care of your implants in the same way as you do with your natural teeth. 
  • You should try and avoid smoking as it can make the bones weaker which can cause the implant to fail. 
  • You should have regular visits with your dentist every six months to see if there is any issue with the implants and to make sure they are in good condition. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, here are some main differences between the zygotic and traditional dental implants:

  • The traditional dental implants are placed in the upper jaw or the lower one, while the zygoma implants can only be placed in the zygoma bone which is located in the upper jaw. 
  • The size of the screws that are used in the zygoma implants is longer than the ones used in the traditional dental implants because the zygoma bones are located further in the gum line. 
  • The zygoma implant can only treat the missing teeth from the upper jaw while the traditional ones can fix both. 
  • Zygoma implants are used in cases when the jawbone is not sufficient, so they can not be used for everyone. If you have a sufficient amount of bone, traditional dental implants will do the same work for you. 
  • Zygotic implants are more reliable and can also be used if a second procedure is needed. 
  • The cost difference between the procedures depends on the number of teeth being replaced and if any additional surgery is needed. 

The longevity of both of these implant procedures will depend on the maintenance of them. The patient should take care of them just like they do with their natural teeth, cleaning and flossing twice a day. If you take care of them properly they may last as long as 25 years. 

When bone replacement is needed, the zygotic implant will be the most effective option, offering more advantages than traditional dental implants. 

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