Wisdom teeth, everything you need to know about problems and removals

Wisdom teeth, everything you need to know about problems and removals

Dental problems are something recurrent in society due to bad information about oral hygiene, we can’t deny that. But there are times when we have to go to the dentist for natural things in our mouth, that although they can be annoying, they are necessary to attend. Among them we see the eruption of wisdom teeth, and you may wonder why some dental pieces bring so many problems? Well, keep reading and learn more about it.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually begin to emerge at the ages of 17 or 18, until the age of 25. If you have not located in your mouth what they are, you can observe with a small mirror the back of your teeth, and you will see that they are either emerging or have not yet emerged, so there is a giant hole in each corner of your mouth. There is a percentage of the population that has never developed these molars, while there are others that have even developed all four wisdom teeth. The surgery to remove them from the oral area will depend on the zone and the problem presented by each patient.

In some cases when they start to emerge they tend to present some symptoms in the surrounding tissue that we can easily recognize. Among them a constant pain, and inflammation of the tissue. We can also consider dental infections that can end up in the tooth decay, although they are not very common to see. We also have to consider that there is no specific age, since they can appear either before 17 years of age or after them, and as we mentioned before, there is also the possibility that they do not come out.

It is not something determined, nor do they have an innate law, since they can emerge either all four wisdom teeth, or only one, or in any way. For the same reason, there is no specific number in people’s teeth, since this can vary in how many wisdom teeth you have, if you removed them, or if they never emerged.

An example of this is that a 45 year old adult could have a complete set of teeth and claim to have 32 complete teeth, including the four back molars. But if he has had a tooth extraction, or they have not yet emerged, he will have a total of 28 teeth. This happens both in adult teeth and in the teeth of adolescents with early molars.

How to prepare for wisdom tooth extraction

For this, the health professional or dentist you go to, should explain the preparation process depending on the type of person you are and your habits. An example of this is that if you have an addiction to tobacco, you will probably have to stop smoking. This can lead to a dental infection or periodontal disease, and may even result in an even later recovery than expected.


In the most commonly seen cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. Although it is quite mild, it replaces your gums and keeps your nerves from acting up while the dentist is operating. You will probably be kept awake in the process, since as mentioned above, the anesthesia is not strong enough to put you to sleep. In case you go to a medical center and your wisdom teeth are recessed, partially emerged or too complicated to remove, either due to periodontal disease or alternate complications, they may use general anesthesia, which will put you to sleep during the entire operation clearly prior to your application, the dentist will let you know what type of anesthesia will be used on you.


In case you need general anesthesia to proceed with the operation, the dentist will ask you to attend the consultory while fasting. Eating any type of food before the operation is harmful to the patient. Usually the fasting period is about seven hours before proceeding with the surgery.


If you still have any doubts regarding the operation, the appointment before the intervention is your time to make sure of everything that it entails and ask for your oral surgery. At once you can ask about the recovery, what type of extraction you will have, the benefits, the possibilities, everything you should be sure of before. You must be sure and prepared for what is to come after is performed. You may even be asked to sign a consent form for the operation, for your medical history.

What is the wisdom teeth extraction operation like?

At the time of the operation not only one professional will be in charge of the extraction, in this case the oral surgeon and the maxillofacial surgeon will be present. You will meet them before the operation since both are the ones who will agree whether to extract any wisdom teeth or not.

  • These teeth do not have a specific reason to be inside the oral area; therefore they should only be removed in case they have any inconveniences. As complications at the time of emerging, this is the most common reason, partial eruption or periodontal disease. In most cases, surgery is started when the person begins to present the symptoms mentioned above. Or, a complete x-ray of the oral area is taken to better observe the tooth and decide if surgery will be necessary, either preventively or if the case is already advanced. We must remember that although molars may not cause so many problems, if there is any dental problem present that may affect it, it can compromise the health and structure of all the teeth.

    If we start to consider the duration of the surgery, we have to take into account multiple external factors. By this we refer to the different presentations in which the tooth can come. Either fully emerged, as a partial wisdom tooth or if it is destroying the dental structure from the inside of the gum.

How is the recovery after the operation?

As with any operation, this is a process that requires a lot of care because depending on how the recovery is carried out, will be the final result of the entire dental surgery.

The first step after the operation is to be accompanied until the sedative dissolves naturally. After this, the remaining 24 hours are crucial, since we will see multiple complications and specific care not to infect the area. The main inconvenience is the bleeding of the gums, which will be constant in the first hours after leaving the operation. To stop it, we will need to use sterile gauze and change it every hour, so that the coagulated blood does not infect the wound.

We will also see episodes of excessive swelling in the surrounding tissue of the tooth. The dentist may recommend an anti-inflammatory or antibiotic to soothe the pain, or if we want to do it in a more natural way, placing ice compresses on the cheek area is also quite effective. It should be noted that in case of having been prescribed any medication, we cannot exceed or decrease the dose even if we have side effects such as drowsiness, although if there is any doubt about it you can always consult again with the specialist.

In some cases, it is necessary to reduce the intake of some food, such as dairy products. But this depends on the case of each patient. Although it is true that in the main 24 hours, no high temperature food can be ingested, only soft food. This is to control the temperature of the area and that the recovery or seal is faster. Tobacco and alcohol may not be ingested either. Foods with low temperatures are ideal for this type of procedure, since they have the same effect as a cold compress on the cheek. Among the foods that can be eaten are natural fruit juices, without sugar.

To reduce bleeding you can apply a mixture of water with salt well mixed, in the mouth. And rinse every 4 hours. This will help the healing to develop faster, although it is normal for it to sting a little because of the open wounds we have in our mouth area. It also helps us to keep the area disinfected, preventing harmful bacteria from entering the operated area.

It is essential to maintain rest after the intervention, since exaggerated movement may prolong the bleeding and even make it worse. In addition, your body will probably feel heavy after having undergone anesthesia.

Side effect of wisdom teeth removal

Although this procedure has long been quite safe and reliable to apply, there should always be a percentage of error. Clearly there are things you should consider before proceeding with oral surgery, so your consent is required before you can have surgery, as there may be side effects or some extra inconveniences.

Among the side effects that we can observe at a glance and in most cases (Clearly, they are temporary), are the sensations of dizziness mainly due to the exit of the anesthesia from the body. And the general swelling of the entire oral area, also internal hematomas in the cheeks, and pain for some weeks. Clearly they will decrease in intensity, since the worst part is in the first 5 days after the operation

Complications of wisdom tooth extraction

These are very different from the side effects of surgery, since this type of situation only occurs through a complication in the surgery or in the care after it. Although 80% of people are not affected by a wisdom tooth extraction, in any person an unexpected situation can be unleashed in any of the factors involved in doing the operation. It can be caused by an impacted wisdom tooth or simply a bad move by a dentist

They may include these complications:


  • Dental infections or untreated gum disease
  • Damage the tooth structure of other teeth or the jawbone by accident.
  • Unbearable pain due to dry alveolitis: By this we mean when a blood clot does not stick in place and exposes the previously treated area, which exposes the nerves and makes the entire gum hurt. It also greatly delays healing.
  • Involuntary spasms and paralysis in the external area of the mouth alterations in the taste of food: This problem is linked to a bad misrepresentation of the nerves, it should be noted that this can even be permanent.
  • Jaw paralysis: There is a small chance that the first few weeks you will not be able to open your mouth, but this is very unlikely and is not usually permanent.

In case your wisdom teeth have been removed and you suspect a possible infection, you have to consider that the possible symptoms of an infectious disease range from unbearable pain after several days, both in the maxillary area and in the back of the head. It can also spread to different parts of the head, in addition to a fever of more than 30º. The risk depend on each person. Not everybody has the same immune system, habits, etc. So there is nothing to worry about in general terms if you are a healthy person. In any case, you can ask your trusted specialist about the possible risks that can be seen in your person at the time of having a wisdom teeth operation.

Tabela Përmbledhëse


Sometimes removing a tooth can cause pain, bleeding, or other side effects. Without professional assistance it can be dangerous. That is why CDC City Dental Clinic offers professional services to remove your wisdom tooth and feel safe in every moment.

In most cases you need to remove your wisdom tooth when you experience changes at those specific areas. Those changes most of the times include pain, infection, soft tissue, cysts and more. At all times consult with experts for professional assistance.

The wisdom tooth extraction can be painful if not taken care from professionals. That is why at CDC City Dental Clinic we guarantee a painless tooth extraction procedure to make you feel safe and ready anytime to quit discomfort.