What Happens When You Don't Brush Your Teeth?

Forgetting to Brush Your Teeth Can Cause Serious Problems

The first factor that will affect not brushing your teeth is obviously your oral health. Maintaining proper hygiene is not a whim, as it is simply basic to avoid the growth of bacterial broths that can reach the inside of our mouth.

Any dentist or health professional will advise you to maintain a constant dental habit with several repetitions throughout the day. This is what it’s all about and what disease prevention is all about.

 If you are not convinced by this answer, read on and we will explain a little more about what would happen if you do not brush your teeth.


Bacteria growth and proliferation:

Thanks to our toothbrush we can eliminate or remove from our mouth the bacteria that cause oral diseases. When in contact with our teeth, these bacteria create a kind of gelatinous layer that adheres to the main layer of the tooth and prevents them from being removed when other things get inside.

As we have already said, the only way to remove these bacteria is to brush the front, back and sides of our teeth and gums, and even the tongue. If we do not do it correctly, the bacteria will accumulate until they form tartar, which can lead to other types of diseases.

If you need to know where the most bacteria accumulates, we can tell you that it is mainly in the corners of the teeth, such as the beginning of the gum and its surroundings. That is why it is so important to brush the different sides of our teeth!


As we mentioned before, the accumulation of bacteria on our teeth not only affects our esthetics (because, if we haven’t mentioned it, dental tartar has a yellowish color that can be seen with the naked eye) but also affects the stability of the tooth. 

The first affections that can be observed microscopically is the corrosion of the dental enamel and its protection, which will give way to the creation of dental cavities that, followed by this, will bring a great bad smell to our mouth which we call Halitosis. 

And not only this my friend, tooth decay brings with it a blackish appearance to the tooth and can even cause it to fall out if it is too severe. It will also bring tooth sensitivity and a lot of pain, so having cavities forget about eating placidly.


This is a very annoying disease and is sure to give you lots and lots of headaches. Gingivitis is nothing more than gum inflammation, bleeding and pain due to periodontal bacteria that can affect our soft tissues and cause them to rot over time. 

If this disease is not treated as quickly as possible, it may progress and become its big sister: periodontitis. This is the last stage of the disease that can even lead to the person losing all of his or her teeth. 

The only way to remove this disease is to operate or do a treatment called root planning or curettage. Please do not wait until you reach this point to give importance to your dental health.

Common Mistakes When Brushing Your Teeth

You may be trying to have good mental health but not succeeding because of small details. But, don’t worry, here we will give you a detailed guide of what you may be doing wrong when brushing your teeth, read on!

Keeping too much pressure on your teeth with the bristles of your toothbrush:

Although we know that you want to remove any residue that is left lying around, it is harmful to apply too much force on our teeth, especially if our brush is a bit hard. As you could damage the gums and make it more prone to contract a disease through wounds.

Brushing too much or too little

The right amount of time to brush your teeth is exactly 3, when you wake up in the morning, at noon after lunch and before going to bed after having dinner. 

It should be noted that at night it is quite important to brush them well, since our mouth will remain closed for several hours and this will cause the remaining bacteria in your mouth to proliferate faster.

Brushing our teeth fewer times than we have already cleared, is synonymous that the bacteria in your mouth can be stored more quickly than expected. So don’t wait too long, but don’t overdo it!

Using too much toothpaste

This is a myth that we need to bust for the well being of our teeth! The advertisements you see on the internet or on TV with the toothbrush full of toothpaste are totally wrong, the right amount of toothpaste we need to use for our daily brushing is the size of a grain of lentils. 

We know you may think that the more toothpaste the better because it will clean your teeth more, but not at all! This could even damage our tooth enamel and stain it considerably.

You don't change your toothbrush

If we asked you right now when was the last time you changed your toothbrush, would you be able to answer? We assure you no, and it is a big mistake. With each use the material of toothbrushes will go downhill, and this is totally normal. 

In fact, they are made with that intention, and they should stop being useful after three months, but you may ask, why? Well, because after three months of use the toothbrush is already contaminated enough to have no effect in removing bacteria. 

You should also make sure that the toothbrush is the right one for you, as choosing one that is too soft or too hard could harm your teeth depending on the type of gum you have.

Tips For Maintaining a Proper Dental Hygiene

Maintain a healthy diet

Believe it or not, we are what we eat, so we need to eat as healthy as we can to keep our bodies functioning properly! Avoid foods that have too much sugar or too much empty gas, as well as foods that are too greasy and can damage your teeth or stain them.

Reduce the amount of tobacco and alcoholic beverages you ingest

You would be surprised by the amount of evils that smoking has for your body besides lung cancer, which, for example, is not the only type of cancer you can get from it. Likewise, alcoholic beverages because of the amount of ferments can damage tooth enamel and even stain teeth, in addition to affecting other internal organs.

Use dental protectors

If you practice extreme sports or mandatory physical contact such as boxing, it is ideal that you keep a protector on your teeth to avoid breaking or weakening them by the constant shock. We assure you that you don’t want to lose a tooth!

Go to your regular dental appointments

This is absolutely fundamental, because even if you do not see the bacteria or diseases you have in your mouth, a specialist will be able to tell you what you need or what you should do to maintain proper oral hygiene. 

These visits should be every 5 or 8 months depending on how prone we are to suffer from any dental disease. It should be noted that if you have any doubts you should only ask your trusted specialist. If you don’t have a medical history with one yet, we recommend you to visit us at City Dental Clinic in Tirana, Albania. 

You will see the difference with just a few check-ups by our specialists! We are waiting for you with an open door, do not hesitate to call us.

How To Brush Your Teeth The Right Way

Mainly we are going to take our brush with bristles neither too soft nor too hard and we are going to put our desired amount of paste on it (Recommendable it should be just a little dot on the front part of the brush) and we will start applying it on our teeth in the direction of our gums with a little inclination.

After this, we can move in a rotating way through all the dental pieces, it is worth mentioning that the molars should also be cleaned meticulously since they are the ones who chew the food and therefore are more prone to have dental residues.

On the chewing side of our cheek, apply a little pressure and brush horizontally and with little movement to remove the smallest debris.

To finish, be sure to clean your tongue from the top down, including the entrance to the throat and sides, as the taste buds can also store debris or bacteria.

Remember to rinse your mouth well with plenty of water and gargle to remove the smallest debris from inside your mouth. Also make use of dental floss which will be totally important in our dental hygiene from now on.

If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to call us or ask for a specialized appointment for you. Each client is treated separately to make the experience more successful. We look forward to your call!

Tabela Përmbledhëse