Tips For Overcoming Dental Anxiety

At City Dental Clinic in Albania, our main priority is to make our patients feel as comfortable as possible. While the number of people who fear dentists or suffer from dental anxiety is relatively high, our highly skilled specialists do their best to make them feel safe and relaxed. If you are experiencing the same thing, don’t worry. You are not alone. Our staff has helped a lot of patients overcome their fear in several ways and even if it is a challenge, we are dedicated to helping everyone who is experiencing this and making their dental visits easier. 

Image illustrating a patient with dental anxiety

How Does Dental Anxiety Affect Your Health?

When we are scared of something our natural response is to avoid it so this also happens with dental phobia. Avoiding dental checkups and not getting preventative care can cause a lot of problems and addressing these problems in the right way and time is critical for your oral and general health. Going to the dentist is very beneficial to your health so this is enough to persuade you to overcome your fear. Furthermore, you should know that avoiding the dentist can lead to several negative outcomes:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth loss
  • Stained and discolored teeth
  • Gum infection and disease
  • Gum recession
  • Pain in your mouth
  • Chipped or broken teeth


Not only does dental anxiety cause all the above-mentioned problems but it can also cause other dental-related issues like TMJ, sleep apnea, and even oral cancer. If you are not having regular check-ups they will go undetected or untreated. During your appointment, your dentist will be able to check for all kinds of dental problems and they will be able to take action to prevent any further damage to your gums and teeth. 

Symptoms Of Dental Anxiety

Everyone experiences some level of uneasiness before they go to the dentist but how do you know that you are having dental anxiety or not? Even though some people don’t like going to the dentist they still attend their appointments regularly, while people who are experiencing anxiety would rather avoid their appointments and not show up at all. Some of the symptoms that they might experience can be:

  • Rapid Heart Beats
  • Panic Attacks
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Becoming Aggressive
  • Extreme Sweating
  • Crying
  • Feeling Faint

Image illustrating a dentist in Albania working on a patient with dental anxiety

Causes Of Dental Anxiety

Understanding and acknowledging why you are having dental phobia is the first step you have to take before trying to overcome your dental phobia. This can be caused by one thing or a combination of other factors. 


Many people think that every dental procedure and care will be painful and this is the main reason why they choose to avoid them at all. Despite this, you should know that the new technologies that have emerged are less invasive which will make the clients feel much more comfortable and relaxed in the dental clinic. Our specialized dentists will make sure you won’t feel any pain so you don’t have to worry about anything.  

Fear Of Needles/Injections

The thought of getting an injection for dental procedures might be quite difficult for some clients to accept. Usually, this problem arises when a local anesthetic is needed for some dental work to ensure the patient’s comfort. Also, a lot of patients also worry that their anesthesia “won’t work,” which makes the anxiety worse than it was before. 

Loss Of Control & Fear Of The Unknown

Certain people become anxious and claustrophobic when they are seated back on a dentist’s chair. Others find it difficult to get adjusted in since they are unsure of what is going to happen. It might be frightening to feel out of control and unsure of what to expect.

The good news is that today’s dentist facilities take these anxieties into account and provide relief. From relaxation aids like blankets, headphones, and eye masks to thorough explanations of all that will go down during the treatment. To ensure that your visit is as comfortable as possible, our staff might employ some of the techniques that we mentioned.

Embarrassment About Dental Health

You may have more serious dental problems if your anxiety about the dentist has prevented you from visiting one for a long time. Some individuals are afraid they will be criticized or judged for not flossing daily, taking too long to schedule an appointment, or showing any signs of improper upkeep, even if their teeth seem to be in fine condition.

However, bear in mind that the longer you put off visiting the dentist, the more likely you are to feel self-conscious about your teeth. You should know that our goal is to assist you in achieving your best oral health and we never criticize or judge our clients about the dental health decisions they have made in the past.

Bad Dental Experience In The Past

The bad news is that not all dentists make the effort to give their patients the finest care available and make them feel comfortable. If you’ve ever had an experience with a dentist like this, there is no wonder why you don’t like going to your dental appointments. Sometimes children get forced to go to their appointments and this can make them develop phobias in the future. However, you should know that there are better dentists out there and this bad experience should not stop you from getting the proper dental care. Once you find a reliable and trustworthy dentist who will take good care of you, you will see that dental treatments are not as bad as they sound. 

Other Possible Causes Of Dental Anxiety

Other possible causes of dental anxiety may include:

  • fear of loss of control
  • history of generalized anxiety disorder
  • trust issues
  • fear of needles and drilling
  • uncomfortable with an invasion of personal space
  • fear of anesthesia side effects
  • fear of anesthesia not working

Image illustrating painless dental treatments at a dental clinic in Albania

Tips For Overcoming Your Dental Anxiety

After identifying some of the main causes of dental anxiety, it is time to try and mention some tips that might help you overcome this issue.

Find The Right Dentist

As we mentioned before, a bad experience at the dentist can make you develop a fear of them and finding the right specialist to take care of your oral needs can change this. Some of the characteristics that you should look for when finding the right dental clinic are:

  • A friendly staff who takes care of your needs and listens to you. 
  • Read the reviews from previous patients
  • Provide an answer to all of your questions
  • Comfortable and relaxing clinic
  • Personalized care and treatment. 


Once you find the right dental clinic to take care of your needs you will notice big changes in your attitude toward dentists and you will feel more confident and comfortable in the upcoming appointments. 

Use Relaxation Techniques And Medications

Before coming to the appointment we recommend you to take your time to get in the right mindset. Deep controlled breathing can be very helpful in reducing anxiety so you might try that. Before the treatment starts you can discuss the sedation options with your dentist and explain to him what can be done to reduce your symptoms. Usually, nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas or sedative medication given orally, is used to minimize anxiety symptoms as much as possible, to allow the dentist to do his job properly. Our specialized dentist will keep everything in mind when they make the treatment plan for every client, so you don’t have to worry about anything. 

Image illustrating a patient who is satisfied with her experience with dental tourism in Albania

Bring A Friend

People who suffer from dental anxiety can find comfort if they bring with them a friend or family member to their dental appointments. Having someone who you trust and who understands your anxiety can be very calming and can also make you feel safer. Another important factor to consider is building a strong relationship with the dental clinic staff. You can discuss sedation options with your dentist and other things that can be done to make you feel more at ease. On the other hand, people who have social phobias should consider consulting a specialist who focuses on treating phobias.  

Arrive Early

Hurrying to make it to your appointment on time could cause additional anxiety. Avoid adding needless pressure before coming to the dentist and try to come some minutes earlier. Our staff will be happy to wait for you and offer you a glass of water. Taking it slow will help you manage your anxiety symptoms and you will feel much better. 

Ask Lots Of Questions

During your consultation, don’t hesitate to express any worries, questions, or discomfort. Our dental staff will be ready to assist you in every kind of way. If you’re looking for information on a certain tool or therapy don’t be afraid to ask us if you need a little break from the treatment because you’re starting to feel nervous, inform your dentist about this and he will stop. At CDC we prioritize our patient’s needs and we will gladly respect their wishes and will try to make them as comfortable as possible, by explaining every step of the process and asking them time by time if they are feeling alright. 

Image illustrating the use of a stress ball to relieve dental anxiety

Trying Muscle Relaxation Techniques

One useful strategy for treating dental anxiety is to practice muscle relaxation before your appointment. It’s important to discuss any phobia you may have openly and honestly with the dental staff in order to help calm your anxieties during the procedure. Before you go to the dentist or while you’re in the chair, you may try doing some deep breathing exercises or meditation. Stress balls and other forms of entertainment may also relieve distractions that are also provided by the dentist. Conscious sedation methods like nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas or oral sedatives might also help make the process more comfortable for people who need a little extra help.

Let Your Dentist Know

Having a good relationship with your dentist will make the dental appointment process much better for you. You can create this relationship by being open with them and discussing what your worries and fears are. Our team of specialized dentists puts a lot of focus on the client’s safety and they try to make the experience as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

Using Distractions To Beat Anxiety

Dental anxiety may be effectively reduced during appointments by using techniques like guided imagery or relaxing music. Bringing headphones and listening to background music can assist in creating a calm atmosphere that distracts from the discomfort of the dentist’s chair. During the process, tension can be further reduced by using muscular relaxation techniques or deep breathing exercises. In general, these methods encourage excellent dental health and make patients feel more at ease in the dentist’s chair.

Image illustrating sensitivity from a broken tooth

Downsides Of Dental Avoidance

It is never a good idea to forget to make routine visits, no matter how scary the thought of seeing the dentist may seem. Poor dental hygiene can result in a number of uncomfortable complications in the future. Here are some examples of what can happen  when you put off dental appointments:

  • Bad breath
  • Risk of developing cavities
  • Plaque and tartar
  • Tooth loss
  • Gum Disease
  • Teeth infection 
  • Discolored teeth


In conclusion, if you are one of the many people who experience anxiety during dental appointments, you should try and find ways to overcome it. Coping mechanisms include talking to your dentist, practicing muscle relaxation and breathing exercises, keeping yourself busy, and bringing a supportive friend. Finding a dentist who is both understanding of your needs and comfortable with you is the most important step. Always keep in mind that maintaining good dental health is not only important to your oral health but even to your general health. Don’t allow dental anxiety to prevent you from receiving the care you need.  Find an experienced dentist at the City Dental Clinic in Albania now to take the first step toward overcoming your dental anxiety. 

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