The pros of getting dental implants in Albania: Dental implants over dentures and braces

There are numerous benefits to having your dental implants done in Albania, but they are not the right choice for everybody. Generally speaking, the pros outweigh the cons, and dental implants have been used safely in recent decades and have undergone significant research. Our advice to patients is to ask as many questions as possible and to decide with their dentist on following a strict planning method to limit hazards to an absolute minimum. Clinics in Albania do propose dental implants to you only if they believe that they are the best option for you. Otherwise, they urge you to use an alternative method of replacing lost teeth. In this article, we have highlighted some of the benefits and drawbacks of dental implant treatment and why you should choose them over dentures and braces.

Image illustrating dental implants in Albania

The Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Teeth that appear natural. Dental implants have the appearance and feel of natural teeth because the dental implant post closely matches the root of a natural tooth.
  • Easier to eat. Dental implants make it possible to chew food correctly, especially if you are actually wearing ill-fitting dentures. You’ll be able to consume a wider selection of foods, and your health status may improve as a result of enhanced general nutrition. Chewing can be quite difficult when dentures slide and slip in the mouth. Dental implants, on the other hand, operate similarly to natural teeth. This means you can eat all of your favorite meals without fear of slipping or experiencing pain.
  • Comfort is enhanced. Implants cannot be removed. As the titanium post heals in your jaw, it becomes a part of you. As a consequence, the implants eliminate the pain that comes with removable dentures.
  • The appearance has been improved. Dental implants may improve your appearance by supporting your cheekbones and mouth and ensuring proper facial dimensions. As previously said, dental implants appear and feel exactly like your natural teeth. They are also intended to connect with your jaw. This is what makes implants a permanent remedy for tooth loss. Contrary to dentures, implants are permanent and do not need to be replaced.
  • A long-term replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants are highly resilient and provide a long-term alternative to lost teeth. They ought to last for several years, if not a lifetime, if properly cared for. Dental implants, when properly cared for, can last for multiple years—in certain cases, a person’s entire life. The goal here is to maintain proper maintenance, which involves washing and flossing as well as frequent dental examinations.

Image illustrating a dentist in Albania that offers dental implants

  • Benefits of oral health. Dental implants only benefit your remaining teeth by helping to keep them in place. Furthermore, no healthy teeth must be ground down or modified to sustain a bridge or denture. The insertion of dental implants doesn’t really necessitate any tooth removal. If you choose a tooth-supported bridge, you must complete this step. Because the surrounding teeth are not modified to continue providing stability for the implant, more of your natural teeth remain in place and intact. This contributes to your general, long-term oral health. Furthermore, an individual implant allows for simpler accessibility around your teeth. This contributes to significantly better oral care.
  • Speech has improved. Sturdy and solid dental implants, as contrasted to weak and unstable dentures that can slip around or clack when you speak, can aid enhanced speech.
  • Self-confidence. You’ll have more self-confidence and self-esteem since no one will realize you’re missing teeth. It is claimed that up to half of all people dislike smiling because their teeth are in poor shape. Concerns such as missing teeth, rotting, dislocation, and others fall into this category. While dental implants cannot fix all of these concerns, they can aid with issues involving missing teeth. As a byproduct, folks who indulge in this restoration alternative may be able to reclaim some of the self-esteem they might well have suffered as a result of an unattractive smile.
  • There is no need for detachable dentures. With a durable and secure bridge, dental implants can substitute for complete or partial dentures.

Image illustrating the most affordable dental implants in Albania

Dental Implants’ Drawbacks

  • Not every individual is a fit for treatment. Though dental implants will be acceptable for the vast majority of people, they may not be the right approach for everybody. If you suffer from a severe disease or smoke and refuse to quit, you are at a higher risk of dental implant inflammation or rejection.
  • Oral hygiene is critical. Some folks think that dental implants are inactive and, hence, do not require much care. In reality, because they are bordered by living tissue that can become contaminated, they require cautious care. Dental implants may not be appropriate for an individual who is unwilling to maintain them on a regular basis through good daily dental hygiene, regular dental examinations, periodontal cleanings, and upkeep.
  • Only a small proportion of dental implants fail. This can occur after several years of turmoil-free operation. Adequate dental care can considerably lower the chances of this happening, but it cannot entirely eliminate the danger. This proportion, though, is quite modest.

Image illustrating cost-effective dental implants in Albania

Dental implant issues

Dental implants do necessitate a little surgical operation to install the post, and all surgeries have some degree of danger. Clinics in Albania do all that is necessary to reduce these hazards, but it is necessary to be conscious of the potential pitfalls. Issues from dental implants may include:

Failure to fuse the implant to the jawbone

Implants can potentially fail if they do not merge well with the jawbone. This phase, known as osseointegration, usually takes many months. If an implant becomes loose or moveable beyond this period, or if there is considerable loss of bone around the dental implant just after the early integration period, it may fail. This can occur if the implant is not correctly positioned, causing it to be stressed while chewing or biting, or when there is loose bone around the dental implant. 

This is the reason why dentists spend so much time preparing the implant placement, ensuring that it is properly placed and that it is not too stressed as a result of being improperly loaded with the replacement tooth. If there is not sufficient bone present, the dentist will perform a gum or bone graft in order to start building up the bone in the regions where it is lacking.

Image illustrating an affordable dental implant in Albania


This is an issue that can arise if bacteria were detected during the implant surgery or if you have failed to maintain a proper dental hygiene practice following your surgery. Peri-implantitis is comparable to gum disease in that it causes infection and inflammation of the gum tissue and the bone surrounding the implant. Though the issue is oftentimes treatable, there are times when the implant must be removed so the infection can be cleared up. The cases where the body is less able to fight infections and more likely to get peri-implantitis are those in which you smoke, have poor dental hygiene, or are diabetic. 

Albanian clinics follow the tightest infection control standards and ensure that all patients understand just how important it is to take care of their dental implants. Regular checkups and the maintenance of clean dental implants are required to reduce the risk of peri-implantitis.If detected early enough, the condition can occasionally be treated. Please schedule an appointment with your dentist if you notice that you have swollen gums, infected gums, or sore gums around your implant.

Image illustrating dental implants in Albania vs dentures

Implants Instead of Dentures

Why do dentures start to fit poorly?

Do you currently have issues with your dentures? Maybe you’re hesitant to eat or socialize with others because you’re concerned that your dentures will slide or drop out. These are frequent problems, and although it is occasionally feasible to retighten or manufacture a denture to make it fit better, the fundamental problem still exists. This is because your jawbone changes shape once your teeth are pulled for dentures. 

After the tooth roots are extracted, the jawbone progressively reabsorbs, growing flatter. The skeletal ridge that is utilized to sustain your teeth would most likely appear less pronounced, making it more difficult for your denture to remain in place. The majority of dental bone loss happens within the first year following tooth loss, but it will progressively worsen. The issue is most serious for lower denture wearers, whose dentures’ stability is mainly reliant on the bone ridge for retention.

Dentures Secured or Replaced with Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used to support dentures or to totally substitute them (dental implants instead of dentures). If you opt for anchoring your dentures using dental implants, you will only require a few nicely positioned implants to keep the denture in place. This makes treatment incredibly cheap. The denture will be clipped into special connections on the implants themselves or onto a bar affixed to the dental implants. This prevents the denture from moving about, allowing you to consume a wider variety of meals without fear of the denture becoming loose or moving around. You will be able to remove the denture and clean around the real implants.

Image illustrating a clinic providing dental implants in Albania

Fixed Bridge to Replace Denture

The other option is to entirely replace the denture with a fixed bridge. For it to be set firmly in place, the dentist might need to install several more dental implants than would normally be required for a denture. Undoubtedly, the porcelain bridge you are wearing will appear exceptionally natural. Though most of the time it is screwed in place, it can also be cemented. Using tooth-colored composite resin filling material, the screw holes are completely hidden and covered. This is the most popular alternative because it gives the dentist the chance of simply removing the denture when cleaning or any other maintenance is needed.

Replacing Upper Dentures

Dental implants are most commonly utilized to substitute lower dentures since upper denture stability is frequently considerably better, resulting in fewer difficulties. Upper dentures can be replaced with an implant, an implant-retained denture, or a dental bridge, but more dental implants are required to attach the new prosthesis.

One major advantage

One significant benefit of this therapy is that the implant denture or bridge will not be required to encompass the upper palate. Your replacement teeth will be less bulky and more pleasant to wear. Furthermore, you will discover that food tastes better. That’s because the upper palate has millions of taste buds that are ordinarily hidden by an upper denture, making regular meals considerably more delightful.

Image illustrating the best low cost dental implants in Albania

Dental implants instead of braces

Spaces between teeth

Dental implants are occasionally used to fill gaps between teeth instead of braces.Each case is unique and requires special consideration. If the main reason for braces is to repair spaces between teeth, then dental implants may be a better option than braces. If you have further problems, such as crowded teeth, an overbite, or an overjet, braces may be a preferable alternative.

Braces can help you straighten your teeth.

If you want to align your teeth with braces and replace missing teeth with implant placement, it is better to have orthodontic work first, then dental implants. This should help to guarantee that the dental implants are positioned in the optimal position for cosmetic results.

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