The perfect solution to bad breath! Quick and easy!

Since childhood we have been taught to maintain proper oral hygiene, to keep our teeth healthy, and avoid bad breath, after all, it is not something that a person can hide easily. Bad breath or also known as halitosis is quite common, there is no person who throughout his life has not presented bad breath as a natural process of the body, especially when you are in adulthood. Normally, we have noticed the smell of our breath and realize that this is not as pleasant as we thought, and that, despite maintaining proper hygiene, we can have a strong breath and feel a little unpleasant.

The appearance of this stench can sometimes be related to certain types of food we consume, such as coffee, onion, or garlic, which are strongly flavored foods that will inevitably change the smell of your breath, however, in many cases, this bad breath is linked to oral problems that under the hands of a professional should be diagnosed.

Surely it has happened to us that we are afraid to approach to have a conversation with a person for fear that this person may notice that we have bad breath, or maybe you did not notice it but you saw that expression of displeasure on the part of the other person. These are things that can make us feel very insecure about ourselves, so we want you to know the causes of bad breath and what are those possible solutions.

Don’t let this ruin your daily routine and the possibility of living with other people, learn today about bad breath and how to keep it at bay.

Causes of bad breath:

Lack of dental hygiene

Bad breath will be present in our lives if we do not have good oral health, this happens when plaque begins to accumulate around the teeth, which undoubtedly is one of the causes for bad breath. What happens inside your mouth is a process in which bacteria decompose the remaining food in your mouth to generate an unpleasant smelling gas that translates as bad breath.

The solution for this unpleasant situation is simple, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, the toothpaste should contain fluoride and you should also complement the brushing with dental floss and mouthwash, all this will allow you to remove all those residues accumulated in your mouth. Always make sure to wash all those areas that are difficult to access.

Periodontal diseases

Among the periodontal diseases, there are two that are also quite common, periodontitis and gingivitis. These two diseases can undoubtedly have a very aggressive influence on the state of your breath, causing serious problems as well as other types of complications. 

Dental abscesses

Dental abscesses are formed by an accumulation of pus, which is the result of an infection. Generally, they are generated by cavities, cavities are lesions that weaken and progressively destroy the teeth, this is produced by the action of bacterial plaque, some kind of trauma, either produced by a blow or an accident, or periodontal disease.


When xerostomia is present, the saliva levels become scarce producing dryness in the mouth. This pathology results in an increase of bacteria in the mouth.

Bad habits and bad eating habits

As we have already mentioned on previous occasions, the type of food we eat can become a fundamental factor in the appearance of bad breath. If you are a fan of eating foods with strong flavors and odors, such as spices, garlic, onions, some types of wine, coffee, chocolate, basil, beer, among others. All these foods and products increase the possibility of suffering from halitosis, especially when large amounts of coffee or alcohol are consumed, these are generators of unpleasant breath.

Nor can we continue with bad habits such as smoking. This not only produces unpleasant odors in the mouth but also creates stains on the teeth, these being the least of the problems that can occur in the health of the person.

Reducing the consumption of all these foods and eliminating these bad habits, along with good oral hygiene will be the solution to avoid bad breath and not only that, but you will also avoid complications in your teeth.

Enjoy the things you like in a controlled way, remember that excesses are bad and it is not necessary to reach an oral problem to take positive actions in your health.

Sugar, something we all like to consume, is present in almost everything we eat, from our favorite candy, desserts, dishes, juices, and others. What we often forget are the consequences of this, for starters, sugar maintains a relationship with the bacteria found in our mouth and this ends up becoming an unpleasant breath, with a bad odor.

On the other hand, there are diets with a low carbohydrate intake. Many people tremble when they hear the word carbohydrates because it is associated with weight gain. The truth is that consuming carbohydrates in moderate amounts fulfills vital functions in our body. Drastically decreasing the number of carbohydrates we consume can cause an imbalance in the functioning of the metabolism and this may be one of the reasons why bad breath occurs.

To avoid halitosis or any other health problem, you can contact a nutritionist, who will be in charge of guiding you to eat well, so that you have better nutrition and balance in your life.

Other causes generate bad breath. Consuming some groups of medications, gastrointestinal problems or dry mouth are more reasons that add to this uncomfortable situation.

When you want to lead a comfortable life and be at peace with yourself, taking care of yourself is the most important thing and with this, we are not only referring to our general health but also our mouth, in the end, it is not just something aesthetic, this also affects our health. We have made this clear in all the information we are providing you with.

Extraoral causes of bad breath.

We can not let all the blame fall only on our mouth, there are several other reasons why our breath is affected.

Digestive tract problems.

Intestinal problems or stomach infections can also affect the state of our breath and produce halitosis.

Systemic diseases.

There are diseases such as diabetes mellitus that as a consequence produce halitosis, some pulmonary, hepatic, or renal diseases.

Infections in the nose area

Rhinitis and sinusitis are other groups of diseases that end up generating this problem.

Medical diagnosis

If you are a person who does not have bad habits and you have good habits and you do not know why this unpleasant odor is still produced in your breath, you should come to our clinic so we can evaluate what is producing this halitosis.


If the reason why you are looking for answers to all this situation is that you have already started to present any of these symptoms, in City Dental Clinic we have health professionals who will evaluate your case and you will also get advice on how to care for and maintain proper hygiene of your teeth. You still have time to reverse what causes your insecurities and affects your daily life.

If the problem is caused by an excess of plaque on the teeth, we can recommend mouthwash or toothpaste with antibiotic agents. This will allow you to eliminate the excess of accumulated bacteria that are causing the appearance of plaque.

In the case of gum disease, such as periodontitis, a treatment will be applied to help reduce the accumulation of bacteria in the inflamed gums.

Dental cleanings are another great help to remove all the food residue that gradually accumulates and generates bacteria. When daily brushing is not enough, it is recommended to attend once or twice a complete dental cleaning, here at City Dental Clinic we will gladly assist you with excellent medical professionals who work every day to improve your quality of life.

Tips for bad breath:

We want to leave you with a series of tips so you can keep better control over your breath and so you don’t have to go through embarrassing situations that put your integrity and above all your health at risk.

Maintain your daily dental care routine

We have repeated this advice in different moments and we want to explain the importance of it because as we already mentioned one of the most serious factors that generate halitosis is the excess of bacteria that are generated in our mouth, these bacteria accumulate on our tongue, gums, inner cheeks, palate, teeth and all those places where many times we can not access with the toothbrush. That is why it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes and apply dental floss to reach those difficult areas, in addition to a mouthwash. These three elements will allow you to have better control over the state of your mouth and avoid bad odors. In addition to taking care of your health.

Mouthwash plays several roles, besides providing a pleasant smell to our breath, it protects your mouth by getting rid of bacteria. There are many types of mouthwash and each one fulfills a purpose, in your case use those that help eliminate germs that generate bad breath.

Teeth are not the only ones that should be brushed, our tongue also accumulates bacteria and teeth are only a small percentage of oral hygiene, you should brush your tongue gently with your toothbrush. In the modern market, different toothbrushes can help you perform this task more efficiently and without causing damage. With these, you will be able to eliminate those bacteria, remove the debris and peel off the dead cells.

Try natural remedies

You can help yourself during the day with some mints or rinses to help you keep your breath in check. We know you won’t always be at home or have a toothbrush handy, so these can help a little.

Likewise, there are more natural methods to help fight bad breath. You can find herbs such as cloves, mint, fennel, tea tree, sage that are effective in these cases. These infusions can help fight the excess of bacteria that are generated in our mouths.

Many times the lack of sync can be one of the reasons why bad breath is generated, for this, you can take some vitamins or prebiotics that can also help internally to eliminate the cause of bad breath, especially if you suffer from some deficiencies.

Hydrate yourself

We cannot forget to stay hydrated, especially because this is one of the reasons why halitosis occurs. Keeping our mouth chronically dry increases the risk. Drinking water helps us to increase our saliva production, which naturally rinses our mouth during the day and when we go to rest.

With all this information we hope you can better understand some of the reasons why you may suffer from bad breath. If you have tried everything and still can not find a solution, we will gladly work on your case so you can continue to lead a full and carefree life.

Tabela Përmbledhëse