The Best Natural Remedies For Toothache Relief

Toothache is a very common issue that happens almost every day. The cause of it can depend on several factors and the pain can vary from mild to severe. The pain is usually located on your teeth and jaws and can indicate a lot of things, so you should check it out. If you find the root of the problem you can determine the best treatment for your problem. 

If the pain is minor, the usual remedy is a cold compress application and a regular salt water rinse, but if the symptoms persist and the toothache becomes unbearable, dental intervention is required. They will treat your problem using their expertise relieving your symptoms and preventing further damage to your oral health. The treatment may change if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or have any medical conditions so you should discuss this with your dentist, to find the best treatment option for your case. 

Image illustrating a woman rinsing her mouth to alleviate a toothache

Saltwater Rinse

For many people who have experienced tooth pain, the first thing that comes to mind to treat it is a saltwater rinse. This remedy serves as a natural disinfectant, and it can help break down the food particles that can get stuck between the gums and teeth, this treatment will also make the swelling go down and heal any sores you might have. If you want to use this remedy, you should mix ½ teaspoon of salt into a glass of water, put it in your mouth, and then spit it out, just like you would do with a regular mouthwash. 

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

To relieve inflammation and pain, a hydrogen peroxide rinse may also be helpful. This treatment can be used to heal bleeding gums and reduce the formation of bacteria and plaque. Be careful to not use the hydrogen peroxide as it is but mix it with water and use it as a mouthwash. You should keep it in your mouth for a little while and then spit it out. 

Image illustrating the use of a cold compress as a remedy for toothaches.

Cold Compress

Cold compresses are often used to treat a lot of issues and discomfort, so they can be helpful also in treating toothache. Cold compresses, causing the blood vessels to constrict, relieving pain and numbing the damaged area. If you have swelling and inflammation, this can help reduce it and keep it down. You should apply ice directly to your skin, but rather wrap it in a towel and keep it for 20 minutes at a time. This process can be repealed a few times a day as much as you need to.  

Peppermint Tea Bags

Peppermint is a known remedy for relieving pain and discomfort and it can also help in cases of toothache or sore gums. It can either be a used or not used tea bag. You should allow it to sit for a little bit and while it’s still warm apply it on the infected area. Another way to use this is to put the teabag in the freezer, as long as it gets cold, and apply it in your mouth allowing it to melt there. 


Garlic is known for its medicinal and antibacterial properties. It can prevent infection, eliminate the harmful bacteria that may cause dental plaque and it can also act as a pain reliever. You should crush the garlic clove, add salt, and make them in smaller pieces to create a paste and apply it to the infected area to treat the toothache. If you don’t like to keep it as a paste you could also eat and chew the garlic.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is also a natural remedy that can be used to treat toothache. Because it contains alcohol, it has healing and disinfecting abilities. Having antioxidant properties also helps to numb the pain making it an effective healer. You should keep in mind to use real vanilla and not imitation to have the best results. To use this treatment dip a cotton ball in vanilla extract and apply it to the infected area, several times per day. 


Tylenol works wonders for relieving pain, so using it to treat toothache can be very effective. You should create a paste with water and apply it directly to the area where it hurts. It may be either Tylenol or baby aspirin. Even though it doesn’t have a pleasant taste you should allow it to dissolve in your mouth in a gradual way and the pain will start to go down. 

Ginger And Cayenne Pepper

Ginger and cayenne pepper have inflammatory and healing properties and when mixing them with a few drops of water and creating a paste, you can use it to relieve pain. Apply it by using a cotton ball and use it only on the teeth, not on the gums as it can be very strong and irritate them. 

Brandy or Whiskey

Another way of relieving tooth pain is dipping a cotton ball in brandy or whiskey and applying it to the infected area to eliminate any bacteria and soothe the pain. 

Some Other Natural Remedy You Can Consider

The following remedy can be made at home but sometimes these ingredients can be hard to find. You should also be careful to find the right ingredients because your gums, teeth, and mouth are very sensitive and if the right ingredients are not used it can cause more damage and inflammation. 

Image illustrating onion, a natural remedy for toothaches.


Thyme is known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, so it is believed that it can help with treating toothaches or help reduce the bacteria that can cause tooth decay. You should not use it directly but rather mix it with carrier oil and apply it to the infected area or mix it with water and use it as a mouthwash.


Just like garlic, you can use onion by crushing it and gently pressing it into your sore tooth. This will help eliminate the harmful bacteria and ease the pain. 

Chewing Gum

If your pain is caused by a lost filling, you can fill the gap with chewing gum until you see your dentist. This will help avoid the food particles getting in and protect the tooth until it’s fixed. 

Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth

To avoid toothache and oral discomfort you may try using toothpastes that are specific for sensitive teeth. They are easy to find and very affordable. 

Image illustrating the use of a toothpaste for sensitive teeth to alleviate toothaches.


Cucumber can serve as a pain reliever for toothaches. You may either slice a cold cucumber and place the pieces in your tooth or mash it, mix it with some salt and apply them to the affected tooth. This may provide some relief and ease up the pain. 


The last option we are going to mention is wheatgrass. It serves as a natural remedy to treat tooth decay and to ease the pain because it has antibacterial properties. You may either blend it and drink it, use it as a mouthwash by keeping it in your mouth for several minutes or you may chew a few pieces. They will all produce the same results, serve as pain relievers and eliminate harmful bacteria.  

Preventing Toothaches

You should keep in mind that home remedies can be used to relieve some symptoms but if the problem is severe you should see the dentist to find the right cause and treatment. You should keep food oral hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly and flossing twice a day, every day. Also, try and visit the dentist twice a year for regular checkups. 

Image illustrating a dental visit for toothaches.

When To Call Your Dentist

If you see that the symptoms are persisting and the cause of toothache can be from more serious medical conditions, it is important to contact your dentist for a thorough visit because many toothaches will need special medical attention. Until you see your dentist you may try using painkiller medicine like ibuprofen or the home remedies we mentioned before. A dental checkup is needed if any of the following symptoms are present:

  • Discomfort when eating and swallowing
  • Inflamed gums
  • High fever
  • Tooth pain that may be persistent 
  • Pain while eating
  • Pus, or discharge from the gums

How Do You Get Rid Of A Toothache At Night?

Sometimes a toothache can happen when you least expect it and when it happens during the night you can try to alleviate the pain by either rinsing the teeth with a fluoride mouthwash, applying numbing gel, or applying a cold compress. You should also try and sleep with your head in an elevated position, to reduce any possible swelling. Using painkiller medicine will also be helpful in reducing the toothache at nighttime. 

How To Get Rid Of A Toothache In 5 Minutes?

Depending on the cause, the toothache can be treated in 5 minutes or it may need a little bit more time. You can try rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, wheatgrass, or salt water. These options will not only help with the pain but they will also help eliminate harmful bacteria from your mouth. 

We mentioned some of the most common ways to treat this condition at home but if the pain is persisting and the pain is becoming more severe try and talk with your dentist and book a visit to find the root of the problem. 

In Conclusion

Toothache can be caused by several factors and there can be different treatment options depending on their cause. While sometimes the pain can be reduced and the bacteria will be killed by natural remedies, other times specialized dental care will be needed. Just like with any health issue, the toothache should be diagnosed and treated in time before it causes more damage. So it is important to maintain optimal oral health and take care of your teeth and gums, in order to avoid this kind of issue.

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