Removable or Fixed Implant Dentures: Which option to choose?

Presuming that you have now decided to get dental implants as a replacement for your missing teeth, the subsequent decision to make would be to pick between removable and fixed dentures. The distinction between the two alternatives is that removable dentures can be snapped on and off of the abutments whenever they need removal, while fixed implant-supported ones are permanent and can only be removed by a dental practitioner.

In spite of the kind of implant-supported denture you adjudicate, you can feel confident comprehending that you will be rewarded with a stronger bite, a better-fitting denture, and a shiny smile. Read on to learn all there is to know about removable and fixed implant-supported dentures.

Fixed implant-supported dentures in Albania.

Fixed Implant-Supported Dentures (Screw-In)

Fixed implant-supported dentures are an alternative that has the appearance, sensation, and functions of the original teeth since they are forever connected to the dental implants. There is no need for every night removal to clean them or to put them in a glass of water beside the bed while sleeping- you may forget that you are wearing dentures altogether.

Conventionally, fixed implant-supported dentures necessitated more jaw bone for support than the removable dentures, so they weren’t for all patients, meaning only those who had a strong and solid jaw bone were suitable candidates. Nowadays, however, a full arch with only four implant restorations can be employed as an alternative for certain patients. Additionally, there is bone grafting, which might be used to strengthen the jaw for fixed dentures.

Fixed implant-supported dentures are cleaned and brushed the same way original teeth are, even though you will need to bear in mind that the small space where the restoration meets the gums needs a thorough cleaning. Numerous patients utilize water flossers, floss threaders, or tiny interproximal brushes to ease the cleaning process.

Partial removable dentures for teeth replacement.

Removable Implant-Supported Dentures (Snap-On)

Removable implant-supported dentures are somewhere in between traditional dentures and fixed implant-supported dentures, providing people with many advantages of fixed dentures, as well as some of the disadvantages of traditional dentures. Even though they do not need any messy adhesive and are solidly snapped onto the implant in order not to slip or shit, they still have the sensation of traditional dentures. They are bulkier and they require removal every night for cleaning. In the morning, they can be snapped back in.

In case the jawbone has been lost, snap-on dentures are a better alternative than fixed ones since they need much less support than an everlasting restoration. Yet another clear benefit for numerous patients is that removable implant-supported dentures are more cost-effective than fixed implant-supported dentures. Additionally, removable dentures are easier to maintain clean because they can be taken out for everyday hygiene.

Improved aesthetics thanks to tooth replacement treatments in Albania.

Aesthetic and mouth feel

Though dentures are visible to anyone, you are the only one who can feel them. This is why you will need to take into account the way your dentures fit into your mouth after the insertion. Whenever the dentures do not fit properly, they will lead to lingering, oftentimes painful, oral discomfort. 

When correctly installed, fixed dentures will have a comfortable and solid fit. They additionally offer aesthetic benefits that make them more similar to natural teeth. 

Fixed dentures will enable you to eat and speak more conveniently than removable dentures. There is no need to be preoccupied about them suddenly loosening, even over the course of a few years. Moreover, they are generally much better heat conductors than removable dentures, allegedly providing patients with a better sense of food temperatures.

The main reason for a patient being not an eligible candidate for fixed dentures is that their jawbone is not strong enough to support the surgery. Even though removable implant-supported dentures should function similarly to their fixed counterparts, their detached nature is highly likely to result in discomfort and pain.

Bear in mind that dentures take a few weeks or even months to completely lay down the mouth. This adaptation period is when patients most frequently mention that they feel discomfort and soreness. Despite the fact that removable dentures might feel less natural at the very beginning, the majority of patients grow accustomed to them with time.

Dental care with dentures.

Function and care over time

Ultimately, the kind of dentures you decide on should be customized to be useful for years to come. Dentures should fit within your lifestyle in regard to leading to no intrusion in the daily routine. Whilst both removable and fixed dentures are feasible alternatives for long-lasting use, there are differences in their maintenance and care that may be profitable to discuss with your dentist.

Albeit, removable dentures can be cleaned carefully and soaked in a specific solution, taking them in and out will expose them to bacteria and germs, more than the fixed ones. Due to this, people with removable dentures might suffer from greater degrees of tooth fracturing, decay, and periodontitis over the course of time. When taking into consideration removable implant-supported dentures, patients will discover that they are successful only when adhering to the ultimate hygiene practices. Some of the taking care tips are the following:

  • Preserving the dentures in a clean glass of water or on a specialized solution approved by the dentist
  • Brushing the dentures with brands that specify how dentures are maintained
  • Running the dentures under clean water to get rid of the debris between overnight soaks
  • Being gentle with the dentures- bends, cracks, or any sort of manipulation to the set can affect its comfort and enable more bacteria to slip in

Fixed implant-supported dentures are brushed similarly to the normal teeth and they necessitate the exact same care and attention. They sustain their bonding over time, even in the events where they are additionally supporting acrylic teeth (which removable dentures do not bond quite well with). As a matter of fact, the majority of failures of fixed dentures are related to the preexisting decay around or in the denture area. Put differently, the decay was already causing damage that triggered the dentures’ failure, instead of the fixed denture failing itself.

Yet again, the biggest con of fixed dentures is that they are able to aggravate existing oral health issues by binding to a weakened bone structure. In spite of the benefits of fixed dentures in other regions, patients who have poor general oral health might not be eligible candidates.

Teeth replacement dentures procedure in Albania.

Cost comparisons

If you ever asked a dentist or typed into an online search engine, “Which is less expensive- fixed or removable dentures?” you may find it defiant to detect an accurate response outlining the immediate and enduring costs related to every procedure. 

In actual fact, the individual position you are in will be the one establishing the cost-effectiveness of various approaches to your dental care. Whilst the identification of your alternatives is a huge part of the suite of care offered by your dentist, it aids in having a bit of background about what to look forward to going into the discussion.

Removable dentures have a tendency to be the much more cost-effective alternative when speaking short-term. Their low levels of intrusiveness enable cost reductions in many affecting elements, such as the numbing agent necessary for their installation (for instance, novocaine local numbing against full anesthetic sedation). While fixed dentures have a tendency to continuously be a pricier alternative than removable ones, several patients do like them in a quality-of-life comparison as they enable chewing and speaking.

Invasiveness of installation

Though many patients might benefit from having the full rows of teeth replaced, there are some cases in which people’s original teeth can be saved. In such a situation, the dentist’s suggestion would be removable dentures. Data from research has shown that sound teeth (meaning with no cavities) are eligible candidates for removable dentures. They are much less intruding alternatives for jaw bones that do not have surgery as a workable option.

As per the International Journal of Prosthodontics, the procedure related to the installation of fixed dentures “necessitates sacrifice of healthy hard tissues.” This turns the whole procedure into far more intrusive than removable dentures; it might not be a bearable alternative for many patients. Yet, the benefit is that it solely has to be inserted once and is typically safe after, with light in-office dental maintenance.

A consultation with a dentist in Albania.

Fixed vs. Removable Dental Implant Options: The Bottom Line

As noted, there are quite some advantages related to each implant-support denture alternative. A fixed implant-supported denture is more similar to your real teeth, but it can also be costly and not suitable for all patients seeing as not everybody has the bone pass to support it. Removable implant-supported dentures, on the other hand, are much easier to clean up and cost less, but patients aren’t fond of them seeing as they are similar to the traditional dentures.

At the very end, the best approach to deciding which option is the right one for you is to come in for a discussion. We will have a talk about your dental history, and your lifestyle, perform an evaluation, and discuss what you expect to achieve from the treatment. Taking all the above mentioned into account will aid us in determining the dental implant alternative best suitable for you.

Weigh your options

Dental research over the course of years has spotted an increased need all around the world for both removable and fixed dentures. If you have suffered from significant tooth decay or tooth loss, have a consultation with your dentists about all the available solutions, and do not be afraid of asking questions. The right option and selection is the one that is more supportive of your general oral health.

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