Children's Dental Health: Tips For Parents

Many new parents wonder when is the right time to start taking care of their child’s teeth and you should know that the sooner the better. It is very important to create the right routine for your baby in order to prevent cavities or gum disease. Many parents ask themselves when they should schedule their child’s first dental appointment, at what age they should start flossing, or if they need braces or not.  It can be difficult for parents to decide this so that’s why we are here for you. We will provide you with the right tips and guidelines you should follow to make sure your child gets the best care possible. 

Image illustrating a parent teaching her kid the right tooth brushing technique

When Should Kids Start Brushing Their Teeth?

You may be surprised to find out that dental care for children will begin even before the first teeth appear. You should know that even if they are not visible the teeth are still there and they start to form in the second trimester of pregnancy. The baby’s jaw is fully developed and all 20 primary teeth are present there. Furthermore, we will talk about some of the tips that may help you take care of your child’s teeth in the proper way.

Before they are ready for a toothbrush, you should clean their gums by using a damp, clean cotton cloth, to remove any possible bacteria that can form there. Once the first teeth start to develop you should clean them with an infant toothbrush, which can be found at every pharmacy. You can use either fluoride toothpaste or one without fluoride. Keep in mind that the toothpaste you choose to use on your baby should be approved by the American Dental Association. Also, it is important to use just a small amount of it because children at this age tend to swallow things and this should be avoided. 

 When teeth start to develop more and are close to each other, the dentist will advise you to start flossing. He will show you the right way to do it so you don’t have to worry about a thing. As the child gets older he should learn how to spit the water and toothbrush after brushing. It is recommended to avoid swishing during this age because they can get confused and the possibility of swallowing toothpaste is more likely. As they get older, around the age of 3 the amount of toothpaste they should use should be only pea-sized. It is always recommended to supervise kids while they brush their teeth at least until they are 8 years old, because the risk of swallowing toothpaste is higher when they are smaller. 

Unfortunately, even babies can develop tooth decay and many parents get worried when this happens. Factors that can contribute to this issue can be putting them to sleep with a bottle, sugars which can come from different juices, milk, or even formula. By consuming these drinks high in sugar, the enamel of the teeth can be damaged just like in adults and this can lead to the front teeth getting discoloured, pocked, or pitted. In severe cases when cavities form, the dentist might even need to pull the damaged teeth out. Dentists also recommend parents switch from bottles to sippy cups when the child is older than 6 months because by using straws you can minimise the chance that the liquid touches the child’s teeth. By this age, the child will be able to hold the cup on its own and drink from it. 

Image illustrating optimal dental health in children

What Dental Problems Can Happen In Children?

Children may be more vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay if the parents also suffer from these dental issues. Therefore, you should know that cavities can occasionally occur despite having excellent brushing and flossing routines. If your child complains of toothache, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist since this might indicate a cavity that requires specified attention from a dentist.

Pediatric dentists now have more options than ever for fillings and repairs because of the new materials used nowadays. Most fillings in permanent teeth used to be made of amalgam, a silver-coloured substance made of a unique combination of metals. However, other materials are gradually gaining popularity, such as composite resins. Resins can be used to repair teeth that have been damaged by trauma or diseases like cleft palate. They also form a link with the teeth to prevent fillings from falling out. Resins are thought to be more requested nowadays since they resemble natural teeth more. However, in rare cases, dental professionals might even use ceramic or stainless steel crowns for treating infant teeth that are broken, severely decayed, or malformed. This method will preserve the tooth and stop the deterioration from getting worse. The size and contour of a child’s crowns will be designed to resemble their natural teeth. 

A dentist will sometimes suggest general anesthesia, usually when a more involved dental operation needs to be performed. Before consenting to the procedure, parents should confirm that the person administering the medication is a qualified oral surgeon or anesthesiologist. Never hesitate to ask the dentist every question you find reasonable, to make sure your child is in safe hands. 

Just like with adults, regular appointments and a good dental routine are very helpful in preventing extensive dental treatments. The dentist will help you maintain your child’s teeth healthy and if your child plays sports they will recommend the use of a mouthguard to protect them from serious dental injuries. 

Image illustrating the results of proper dental hygiene in preventing cavities in children

How Can We Prevent Cavities In Children?

Cavities happen when we eat and don’t brush or floss our teeth. When bacteria and food particles get left behind they might form an acid that will damage the tooth enamel and then a hole or a cavity will be formed in the child’s teeth. Some of the ways to prevent cavities in children and to keep the teeth healthy are:

  • As we mentioned before, dental care routine should be introduced at an early age to the child. They should learn how to brush and floss their teeth twice a day at a young age. Once they are used to this routine it will be easier to maintain it.
  • After your child’s first dental appointment, the dentist will recommend the products you should use. Fluoride is a must in dental hygiene but you should also be careful because swallowing it can be dangerous and can even cause teeth discoloration, especially in children. We always recommend parents to check up with their desist before using any products in their children. 
  • Diet is another important factor that affects the health of the child’s teeth greatly. Sugary foods, juices and candy are advised to be avoided because they can cause enamel erosion and cavities, which will lead to further tooth damage. However we know that it may be difficult to keep children away from candies and sweets so if they consume them once in a while, have them brush their teeth and rinse their mouths so the sugar gets washed away. The same thing should be done with oral sweetened medicines. 
  • Once the child has fully developed their teeth, the dentist might apply a thin coating of resin also called a sealant to the back teeth, which are used the most. This thin coating will help keep the teeth healthy by keeping bacteria away. However, you should make it clear to your child that they still need to maintain a routine of brushing and flossing to keep their teeth as healthy as possible, even when this protective measure is applied. 

Image illustrating a dentist for kids in Albania

When Should Children See A Dentist?

It’s advised by dentists that kids first visit the dentist by the time they turn one year old. During this first appointment, the dentist will examine the child while they are sitting in your lap and they will explain to the parents the right techniques for brushing and flossing their child’s teeth. These appointments can also help in the early identification of issues and help children become accustomed to seeing the dentist and avoid developing dental phobia in the future. 

You might want to consider taking your child to a pediatric dentist. Paediatric dentists are qualified to treat a wide range of conditions relating to children’s oral health and if they notice any overbite issues or jaw problems they will recommend you to another kind of professional, such as an oral surgeon or an orthodontist.

Even before all of the teeth erupt, the dentist may try administering topical fluoride or other preventative measures if the kid appears to be at risk for cavities or other dental issues. Fluoride helps prevent dental cavities, which is the most common problem in children, by hardening the tooth enamel. So in this case the sooner the child visits the dentist the better because prevention at an early age is the key.

9 Tips For Parents On Children’s Dental Health

Start As Early As Possible

Start using a gentle, moist towel to wipe the newborn’s gums a few days after delivery to prevent tooth decay. If you missed this step, don’t worry because it’s never too late to begin practicing proper dental hygiene.

Schedule A Visit To The Dentist When You Notice Your Child’s First Tooth 

Tooth decay can start as soon as infancy. Routine examinations will assist in preventing potential cavities and other oral health problems before they worsen and become more expensive and difficult to treat. Once more, don’t panic if you didn’t get to see the dentist after your child’s first tooth erupted. This is the right time to make an appointment with one of our dentists so we can make sure that everything is alright with your child’s oral health.

Make Your Children’s Dental Health Routine Consistent And Fun

Routines are great for kids’ oral health as well! Make every effort to arrange for brushing and flossing to occur at certain times every day, such as first thing in the morning and right before bed. First, you should start by assisting them until they learn to do it by themselves. 

Add Some Music

Playing music may encourage children and make the activities more fun for them. Children who brush and floss in time to the rhythm of the music may also be motivated to brush their teeth for longer periods. 

Image illustrating proper dental hygiene tools for kids

Let Kids Choose Their Dental Supplies On Their Own

Your child’s toothbrush should be changed every three months and when it’s time to choose a new toothbrush you can let them pick their dental supplies by themselves. It is easy to find toothbrushes with paintings of children’s favourite cartoon characters, so when you go shopping for dental supplies it is a good idea to take them with you.

Don’t Forget Flossing

Regular flossing may be challenging for anybody and for children it may be even more difficult. By using kid-friendly flossers, you can prevent gum disease and make it easier and more enjoyable for children. These fun-coloured and shaped flossers slide between baby teeth with ease, without harming their little teeth and gums. 

Reward Good Habits

Reward your children frequently for consistently brushing and flossing, whether it be with a special game, sticker, or story. Children who link dental hygiene to enjoyable experiences are more likely to develop healthy habits that will last for years.

Brush Your Teeth At The Same Time

Children tend to learn better by observing adults, especially parents or older siblings. You’ll enjoy more quality time with your kids and enforce good brushing and flossing practices when you brush and floss together as a family. This will also make it easier for the child to maintain a proper routine. 

Keep A Healthy Diet

Sometimes hard, sticky, sweet goodies are okay. However, consuming these kinds of foods regularly can harm children’s gums and teeth. Make sure kids drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, dairy, nuts, and other foods that are good for their oral health. This will help you avoid any potential harm and further issues.

Image illustrating a kid learning how to brush her teeth

Toothbrushing Tips 

One of the most important tips for children’s oral health is to consider using fluoride toothpaste because it helps stop and manage tooth decay. Furthermore, dental care changes every three years, so here are some great tips and practices you can employ in your child’s tooth brushing routine:

Children Aged Up To 3 Years

The first thing you should know is that you should start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the first tooth emerges, which usually happens around 6 months, even though for some children it can happen earlier or later. The parent should visit the pediatric dentist to learn which is the best way to brush their baby’s teeth. Similar to adults, babies should brush their teeth twice a day. However, you should find the right products, which contain the right amount of fluoride and you should only use a small amount of toothpaste. Be careful because children at this age tend to lick and swallow things so keep the toothpaste tube away.

Children Aged 3 To 6 Years

Oral routine during the ages 3 to 6 is very similar to the one we explained before. While the child is still 3-4 years old, they are not capable of brushing their teeth on their own properly so they need the help of a parent. To get used to the routine they should brush their teeth twice daily for about 2 minutes. You should be careful about the amount of toothpaste you use because the overuse of fluoride can cause damage to the child’s teeth. After they are done brushing their teeth, teach them how to spit the toothpaste. 

Children Aged 7 And Over

Children at the age of 7 or older should be able to brush their teeth on their own without the help of an adult. However, it is still a good idea to watch them to make sure they are cleaning properly and for the right amount of time. 

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