Care And Maintenance For Your Dental Crowns And Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are dental procedures used for restoring the functionality and aesthetics of missing teeth. Like with any procedure, maintenance and aftercare are very important for the longevity of your new teeth and your oral health. In this article, we will explain in detail what dental crowns and bridges are, their procedure, and how to take care of them in the right way. There are several things to avoid and steps to take to make the most of it and to have healthy teeth for a long time. 

affordable and durable dental crowns in Albania

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown resembles a cap on a tooth. Crowns are used by dentists to repair weak, fractured, or decaying teeth and it resembles a tight helmet that covers your whole teeth. Before gluing this new helmet in place, a dentist will need to remove a little bit of enamel to guarantee that it will fit properly. They will be made by specialized dental technicians using a range of materials, including porcelain, metal, and resin. Because of the range of materials and prices, crowns will be accessible to a large number of people who want to get them. 


You will probably need to make one or two trips to the dentist or prosthodontist for your dental crown surgery. During the first visit, they will shape and remove a layer of your tooth’s outer surface which is called the enamel. To make sure you don’t experience any pain or discomfort, they will use a local anesthetic, so the overall procedure will not be painful. 

They will then make a duplicate of the tooth’s form. A digital scanner or an imprint pressed into a mold can be used for this. After that, a technician in a lab will get all the information and mold made by your dentist and use it to create a crown that precisely fits your tooth. The crown’s color can also be matched by the lab to that of your other teeth and the dentist might even recommend some whitening sessions for your teeth to make them look perfect. 

If the crown is made by a specialized machine that your dentist might have in his clinic you can get your new tooth on the same day, however, if the crown is made in the laboratory it can take some time.  This may sound scary but you will not be left without a tooth because the dentist will make a temporary crown that will look just like your normal teeth to cover the affected tooth. Sometimes the crown can take 2-3 days and sometimes it can take 2 weeks depending on your specific case. However, we would recommend you to talk about this with your dentist before the treatment and he will give you an approximate time for your treatment. After the dentist calls you that your crown is ready to be fitted you will turn back for your second appointment. During this appointment, the dentist will use dental cement or adhesive to make the crown stay in place.  Usually, dental crowns will be recommended when filling is not an option and you have enough teeth to make the crowns stay. 

Dental care tips for dental crowns

Tips For Caring For Your Dental Bridge

Brushing Techniques

To carefully clean your dental crowns and protect your gums, use fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles. To clean every surface of the crowns, hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and move it in tiny circular motions, just like you would clean your natural teeth. If you want to avoid gum disease, we recommend you pay special attention to the gum line since they are more sensitive.


In order to get rid of food particles and plaque from the gaps between your teeth and dental crown, flossing is necessary. For efficient cleaning of the regions surrounding the crown, we recommend you floss every time you eat if you can, but if it’s not possible twice daily is enough.

Using Antimicrobial Mouthwash

After brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. By eliminating germs and preventing plaque accumulation, lowers the chance of gum disease and tooth damage around dental crowns.

Avoid Teeth Grinding And Clenching

Conditions like teeth grinding, or bruxism can put too much pressure on dental crowns, which can cause them to break or come loose. Consult with your dentist about using a nightguard to shield your crowns while you sleep if you clench or grind your teeth. This way you will protect your crowns and normal teeth also. 

Protect Dental Crowns During Physical Activities

Consider using a mouthguard if you play contact sports or engage in other activities where there is a chance of dental harm. Your dental crown might benefit from an additional layer of protection from a mouthguard that is specially fitted for your specific situation.

Minimize Exposure To Acidic And Sugary Foods

Foods high in acidity and sugar can erode the enamel around your dental crown, increasing the possibility of decay and other harm. Restrict your intake of sugary snacks and sweets, as well as acidic drinks such as carbonated sodas and fruit juices that are high in sugar and acids.

Best quality dental bridges in Albania

What Are Dental Bridges?

Just like dental crowns, dental bridges have the purpose of replacing missing teeth. More specifically they can replace one or more missing teeth in a row. Custom bridges made by your dentists can be made to match the color of your natural teeth and depending on your requirements and preferences, they will come in a variety of materials and prices. A dental bridge is made up of several components:

  • The components that hold up your dental bridge are called abutments. The word can also refer to the small connection posts used in bridges supported by dental implants, even though it is most commonly used to describe natural teeth.
  • Artificial, or fake, teeth called Pontics are used to fill the space created by missing teeth.

The number of Abutments and Pontics that will be needed in your bridge, depends on your circumstances and the sort of bridge you will need.


A dental bridge is usually placed over the course of several dental appointments. In order to get the abutment teeth ready for crown implantation, they must first be reshaped. After that, it is possible to produce dental impressions that are used to mold crowns into the precise form needed to suit the teeth.

After that, the tooth impressions are forwarded to a dental laboratory, where the crowns are made. This process can last for some time and this is the reason that several dental appointments are typically recommended. During the second appointment, the crowns will be placed over the teeth and cemented in place.

The dental bridge can be positioned over the space created by the two crowns once they have been installed. Usually, temporary cement is used to evaluate the bridge’s fit before permanent cement is put in after a few weeks of effective use.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste, a tip for preventing tooth decay

Tips For Caring For Your Dental Bridge

Brushing Your Teeth Twice A Day

Some people have a bad habit of not brushing their teeth because they are worried about damaging a newly placed dental bridge. Ultimately, this is a huge misunderstanding of the situation. Cleaning your teeth on a regular basis is indeed crucial, especially after receiving a new dental bridge. Regular means cleaning your teeth at least twice a day to avoid plaque accumulation and other dental problems.

Avoid Eating Cold Or Hard Foods

Since dental bridges are made of ceramic material, they are more delicate than natural teeth. Though they are resilient and strong, they can wear down over time, similar to your real teeth. Following basic steps, such as avoiding certain foods, is always important to protect the lifespan of your dental bridge. Be careful of extremely cold or hard foods since this might put pressure on a dental bridge and cause it to fracture. To lower the chance of damaging a dental bridge, always go for soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing and don’t apply pressure on your teeth. 

Use A Fluoride Rinse

A fluoride rinse is extremely vital after receiving a dental bridge. This is due to the fact that a fluoride rinse will fortify the gum line and inhibit the growth of microorganisms surrounding the newly installed prosthetic tooth. Although brushing on a regular basis helps in this, rinsing with fluoride offers an additional barrier against germs, gum disease, and tooth decay.

Clean Under Your Dental Bridge

Typically, dental bridges are affixed to teeth so firmly that normal floss cannot easily pass through. It is recommended that you use specialized instruments like Interdental toothbrushes and floss threaders to help you clean beneath your dental bridge because of this little issue. 

Book Regular Checks With Your Dentist

Last but not least we recommend regular checkups with your dentist to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. They will perform the needed procedures in order to assist you in keeping your teeth clean. By doing so your dental bridge and the natural teeth surrounding it will stay healthy for a very long time.

Foods to avoid if you have dental crowns

Foods To Avoid When You Have A Dental Crown Or Bridge

As you know by now, dental crowns and bridges are dental procedures that have the purpose of replacing your missing teeth in appearance and function. After having one of these procedures done you should know that there are certain foods that need to be avoided in order to keep them as healthy as possible. 

  • Anything with Lots of Sugar: Sugar-filled foods and drinks can cause dental decay, which can affect not just your existing natural teeth but also the tooth that supports a crown or bridge. A few foods to cut back on are soda, candy, cookies, and some fruits.
  • Sticky Foods: Candy and gum are bad for every dental restoration procedure. Because sticky foods have the ability to stick to your crown or bridge and even pull them out, which can cause discomfort and even damage, they should be totally avoided.
  • Hard Foods: Hard food can put a lot of pressure on crowns and bridges when biting down, which might cause fractures or cracks. Be careful while eating ice, nuts, hard sweets, and even some crunchy fruits and vegetables. If you find it difficult to resist crunchy food, consider chopping it up before you eat.
  • Avoid Chewing on Non-Food Items:  Although this is a given, many people like to chew on things like pencils, fingers, or other similar objects. This habit can cause a lot of pressure on your natural and restored procedures causing them to break and damage. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Common Mistakes People Make When Caring For Their Dental Crowns And Bridges?

Ignoring proper dental hygiene is a typical mistake individuals make when taking care of their crowns and bridges. Regular brushing and flossing are necessary to keep plaque and germs from accumulating around dental restorations. In addition, crowns and bridges may sustain damage from incorrect cleaning methods or equipment.

How Long Can Crowns And Bridges Typically Last With Proper Care?

With the right maintenance, crowns and bridges can last up to 15 years, or even longer. These dental restoration procedures require routine oral hygiene maintenance, such as twice-daily brushing and flossing, to last a long time. Furthermore, regular dental examinations every six months enable the early identification and treatment of such problems. 

Does Proper Care For Crowns And Bridges Differ Depending On Whether They Are In The Front Or Back Of The Mouth?

Indeed, the way that crowns and bridges are maintained varies according to where they are placed in the mouth. Since front teeth are more noticeable and more likely to cause aesthetic issues, it’s important to keep them looking nice by brushing them frequently with nonabrasive toothpaste and abstaining from bad habits like biting on hard things. Because they are used for chewing, back teeth may need special care to avoid injury from using too much pressure when eating. 

Are There Any Lifestyle Changes Or Habits That Could Impact The Longevity Of Crowns And Bridges?

Of course! The durability of crowns and bridges can be greatly impacted by a few lifestyle changes. First and foremost, it’s important to maintain proper dental hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. It’s also crucial to stay away from foods that are sticky or hard as they may harm the crowns or bridges. To minimize any needless stress or breakages, bad habits like using teeth as tools or eating ice should also be avoided.

Are There Any Specific Products Or Tools That Should Be Avoided When Cleaning Crowns And Bridges?

When biting down on hard food, crowns and bridges may experience significant pressure that might result in dental fractures or breaks. If you are craving ice, nuts, hard candies, and even certain crunchy fruits and vegetables eat them carefully. If you have trouble resisting crunchy food and cannot avoid them we would advise you at least to cut it up before you eat it.

How Long After The Dental Bridge Or Dental Crown Can I Eat?

After the dental bridge or crown is placed it is recommended that you should at least wait for a couple of hours until the cement is hardened and cured properly.

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