Care and maintenance of dental veneers

Proper maintenance of dental veneers is crucial to extend their life and improve oral health. When dentists place veneers, they recommend that a series of preventive measures be taken to protect them from possible damage. Mainly what needs to be done is to pay more attention to dental hygiene habits because if properly cared for, porcelain veneers, for example, can last almost 10 years. Eating habits and lifestyle in general can be responsible for discoloration of the color of your veneers, so you have to be careful about certain foods that could cause staining. 

The best dental veneers in Albania

When it comes to the maintenance of veneers, there is no simple answer. It is recommended that you at least check them every six months. The state of your dental veneers is related to oral hygiene and other habits. A few simple adjustments, such as using a less abrasive toothpaste made for sensitive teeth or purchasing a toothbrush with soft bristles can have a significant impact on your veneers’ longevity. If tooth brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups and checkups with your dentist are part of your regular routine, maintaining veneers will not be that difficult.


How long can dental veneers last with proper maintenance?

The two most well-known types of dental veneers are porcelain veneers and composite veneers. Both types of veneers have similar functions but different levels of durability.

Typically, porcelain dental veneers can last approximately five to ten years if you properly take care of them. Meanwhile, composite veneers can last a minimum of five years as well, if you keep a consistent and healthy dental hygiene routine.

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How to maximize the life of dental veneers

Once veneers are in place, aftercare and maintenance are entirely up to you. Your everyday oral habits and the types of food you consume can have a significant impact on the longevity of your dental veneers. To achieve a long and healthy life for your veneers, keep in mind the following:

Have good oral hygiene

After veneers are placed, special care and caution should be taken. Your dentist will tell you to avoid using tobacco, consuming dark foods, or beverages that can cause stains. These drinks include tea, coffee, red wine and sugary drinks. 

After consuming these foods or drinks, it is advisable to brush and floss your teeth to reduce the accumulation of bacteria and prevent the veneers from staining and discoloration.

Saying no to hard or sticky foods

One of the first things to do after having veneers placed is to avoid eating foods that are too hard or sticky. These cause substantial damage to the veneers, such as cracking or breaking. These are, for example, ice, raw fruits and vegetables, hard meat, sweets, etc.

Chewing hard or sticky foods may cause the veneer to flake off, fracture or cause other esthetic problems. They can also cause gum irritation and gum recession, which is a problem for veneers.

The best dental veneers in Albania

Avoid stain-causing foods and beverages

Stain-causing foods and beverages are also bad for veneers. Red wine can cause noticeable stains on veneers and natural teeth that are sometimes difficult to remove. Tea and coffee also affect veneers and can cause persistent stains.

Other foods that can also cause veneers to stain include carrots, beets, citrus fruits, etc. It is best to limit their consumption, helping to increase the life of the veneers. 

Regular tooth brushing and rinsing

Consistent oral hygiene habits can be of great help in the maintenance of veneers. Ideally, tooth brushing should be done with a soft-bristled toothbrush after every meal, especially if sugary foods are eaten. If you can’t brush your teeth, try to rinse your mouth after a meal to reduce any bacterial build-up. 

Rinsing the mouth with mouthwash also helps to refresh and clean the mouth after a meal. This is the easiest but most effective way to optimize the longevity of your veneers. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent food from leaking between the veneers which could lead to bad odor, and consequently cavities or tooth problems.

The best country for dental veneers


Wearing a mouthguard or mouth protector

Protecting your dental veneers means wearing a mouth guard as well, during sports or even while sleeping. A mouth guard can protect the veneers and your natural teeth from accidents or injuries, especially during intense sports.

Mouthguards can also help people who are used to grinding their teeth at night. This habit is also known as bruxism. Bruxism can apply a lot of pressure and force on your teeth and dental veneers, which can cause fractures or breakage. 

Change your toothbrush every 3 months

Veneers are prone to staining and surface lines if not cared for with the right products. Porcelain veneers have a sensitive surface and rough brushing can cause cracks. A soft bristle toothbrush is the best choice and will help protect the surface of the veneers. They also protect the gums surrounding the veneered teeth. 

Do not use abrasive dental products

Since the surface of the veneer is quite sensitive, care must be taken to ensure its longevity. Make sure to avoid using abrasive dental products such as abrasive toothpaste or baking soda which can cause stains and lines, making the veneers wear out much more quickly.

Baking soda dries out the porcelain causing the veneers to look dull and discolored. It is important to know that dental veneers cannot be bleached, so it is important not to use whitening products on them, as this will cause them to deteriorate.

Dental veneers amazing results

Avoid smoking

Smoking is a bad habit that can dull the color and accelerate the oxidation process of the veneers. Smoking can also cause your dental veneers to weaken over time and become more prone to breakage or gum recession.

Maintenance and upkeep of veneers does not require expensive and invasive procedures. All that needs to be done is to be attentive to oral health and lifestyle habits. That said, there are some simple procedures available to clean veneers in the dental office, including primarily professional teeth cleaning.

Your maintenance routine depends also on the type of material that your dental veneers are made of. All-ceramic materials, such as lithium disilicate, zirconium or plain porcelain, do not need many aftercare procedures. Composite veneers, on the other hand, may require more aftercare.

The health and lifespan of veneers depends on oral health and lifestyle in general. If teeth are brushed and flossed regularly, there is less chance of future complications with veneers. Without proper care, veneers may wear faster. Find out more about our dental veneer treatments and make an appointment at City Dental Clinic.

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