Bleeding gums: Symptoms, causes, and treatments in dental clinics.

Why does bleeding occur in our gums? This question has become one of the most common when a patient comes to our offices. This generates in us the need to clarify some doubts and guide our patients of the possible causes that lead to bleeding gums and also let them know the various solutions that have been developed and perfected over the years.

When we enter the world of dentistry, it is very common to find patients suffering from this condition, but we must not forget that just because something is common, does not mean that it becomes less important. A healthy gum should not bleed, so if you have bleeding gums, surely there is a problem that is being reflected through this symptom and it is necessary to begin to investigate its cause.

Now, if you are just reading this blog to learn a little more about the causes of bleeding gums, below we will endeavor to explain in detail the reasons why this anomaly occurs.

What causes bleeding gums?

As we mentioned before, the reasons why a person may have bleeding gums are diverse. In the most complex cases, this anomaly is directly related to periodontal diseases. These types of diseases that appear in our oral cavity proliferate as a result of all those bacteria that accumulate when they are not properly eliminated from our mouth.

When we talk to our patients, many of them have considered that such bleeding has been the result of very aggressive brushing, until the symptom appears in an inexplicable situation.

We cannot deny that, in some cases, this bleeding may occur at the time of brushing, especially if the toothbrush is new or the intensity of brushing has been changed. This should be easily solved if these are the real causes, but even when other measures are taken the bleeding persists, it is evident that something else is going on.

This being the case, we must pay close attention to the changes that our gums may present, whether it is inflammation or color changes. This information can give us an idea of the real reason why this anomaly is occurring. It may be a dental infection or it may be a gum infection.

Instructively, the color that the gums should be in their healthiest state should be a pale pink or pink shade. In addition, when touched, they may have a rough texture, which does not hurt or cause any discomfort.  We must explain these details so that you can better detect any abnormality that is or may be occurring.

If in addition to bleeding, irregular tone you present pain and inflammation, it would be best to attend our clinic, where we will evaluate all the symptoms and make sure to apply the corresponding treatment.

When we refer to periodontal diseases, the patient must know the phases in which it is divided:


This is known as the initial phase of periodontal pathology. When the patient comes to us presenting this case, the damage produced is reversible. For this reason, it is always important to go to professionals at the moment of experiencing the first symptoms.

 Gingivitis is caused by an accumulation of bacteria in the oral structures. It is a problem that, despite presenting some discomfort, has solutions that are quite easy to treat.

To avoid or overcome this disease you need to establish a good hygiene routine, you must also be up to date with periodontal checkups, you can not neglect the revision of your teeth if you want a healthy mouth. To enhance the results and continue taking care of your mouth it is advisable to perform a professional dental cleaning from time to time, this will allow you to completely remove those deposits of tartar that are accumulating in your mouth.

 Visit our clinic so you can learn about the plans we have on oral cleanings and receive our recommendations to maintain a good oral hygiene routine.

Symptoms of Gingivitis:

  • The first thing we have been talking about is the bleeding that occurs in the gums.
  • The swelling of the affected area, the gums.
  • There may also be a reddening of the gums.
  • The sensitivity of your teeth is another thing that will be affected.
  • Bad breath is another of the effects of these pathologies.

Now that you know the symptoms of this disease, do not wait for the problem to pass to major circumstances, come here to City Dental Clinic we will gladly assist you and help you improve your health.


When the patient does not attack the gingivitis in a fast and safe way, these diseases tend to evolve negatively. This triggers this second phase of periodontitis or pyorrhea. This infectious pathology is considered to be of high severity. Due to the destruction that bacteria can cause in the dental structures, the result of this infection is devastating.

If at this point periodontitis has wreaked havoc on your smile, come to our dental clinic, we have professional periodontists who will be responsible for performing a periodontal probing to assess the severity of the infection, once the results are obtained we will plan the best treatment that allows you to end once and for all with the disease.

Symptoms of periodontitis:

In addition to the symptoms we have been discussing in the previous questions, other factors can help you know if you have periodontal disease.

  • The patient may notice a receding gum line, which gives the impression that the teeth look longer than usual.
  • It can generate pain and discomfort when chewing.
  • The teeth may lose some of their stability and become sluggish or feel loose.
  • In some cases, deep pockets may develop between the teeth and gums.
  • There may also be changes in the way the teeth fit together when biting or misalignment of partial dentures may occur.

Stress can affect the body in many ways. When the body releases this hormone for long periods, this can cause problems in our body such as hypertension, can cause damage to our nervous system, the same way to the immune system, or produce periodontitis.

There may be cases where the patient does not present any symptoms, this does not rule out the degree of infection that may be present in the gums. In some patients, the damage to the gums only directly affects one group of teeth, the molars, for example, are the most complicated group to identify if an infection occurs. This helps to emphasize the importance of periodontal checkups on a semi-annual or annual basis.

Risk factors for bleeding gums

In addition to periodontal diseases, we should mention some risk factors that make bleeding gums possible. They are all related to improper dental hygiene, the presence of tartar and plaque on your teeth. Therefore, you must improve your dental cleaning from now on:

Bad habits, such as smoking, hinder the repair of gum tissue.

Hormonal changes in girls and women, such as those that occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and menstruation, make the gums more sensitive, which facilitates the development of gingivitis.


Diseases can affect the condition of the gums. This includes pathologies such as cancer or HIV that interfere with the immune system. Because diabetes affects the body’s ability to utilize blood sugar, patients with this disease are at increased risk of developing infections, including periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Medication use

Medications can affect oral health because some medications decrease the flow of saliva, which has a protective effect on teeth and gums. Others can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue.

Poor hygiene habits

Poor oral hygiene habits, such as not brushing and flossing daily, facilitate the development of gingivitis. Especially if you go a long period without brushing your teeth and eat rather heavy and unhealthy meals.

It should be noted that poor dental hygiene can not only develop periodontitis. There is also the possibility of developing tooth decay that will affect the tooth enamel and may even require an entire tooth extraction. So it is always important to prioritize our health and brush three times a day and use tools such as dental floss or oral irrigators.

Genetic and/or hereditary factors

A family history of dental disease can be a contributing factor in the development of gingivitis.

Some people have such strong genetics that they can pass infections or dental problems on to their children. Or one can also inherit a very sensitive immune system that makes the person likely to develop these types of infections much faster than a normal person.

Dental crowding

Crowded, crowded, or rotated teeth promote the accumulation of bacteria, as they complicate the ability to brush the teeth well and remove residual bacteria between the tooth divisions.

Orthodontics with braces

Fixed dental appliances, or braces, make it difficult for hygiene tools to access all parts of the mouth. Our advice is that, during orthodontic treatment, you should include a good dental irrigator in your oral cleaning routines.


Poorly fitting dentures are also a risk factor for the presence of bacteria in the mouth.

Aggressive tooth brushing

Bleeding gums are not normal during brushing. But be careful! Aggressive tooth brushing can contribute to the problem. In addition, it also has negative consequences on tooth enamel.


Tooth grinding is behind some bleeding and swollen gums problems.

Treatment for bleeding gums

Treatment for gums that usually bleed varies depending on the severity of the problem. For mild gingivitis, improving oral hygiene is key. Visiting a dentist and following all his advice is essential to enjoying an optimal smile. Professional dental prophylaxis will eliminate all the bacteria that are attacking your gums.

Remember to brush your teeth gently, with a toothbrush that is not extremely hard. If your gums bleed occasionally and slightly, you should rinse your mouth with protective mouthwashes.

If bleeding gums are due to more serious periodontal problems, it is necessary to visit a periodontist. The periodontist performs the necessary tests to determine the primary cause of the disease. If periodontal pockets are present, dental curettage can successfully remove them.

The periodontal treatment plan varies depending on each case. At City Dental Clinic we study your oral structures, with the best dental technology. Our purpose is to design a personalized treatment, which allows us to restore the health lost to your smile.

Prevention of bleeding gums

Tooth brushing

The toothbrush is your great ally for optimal oral hygiene. Avoid hard brushes and do not exert too much pressure on your teeth. This way we keep the tooth enamel in perfect condition and do not damage the gums.

Cleaning tools

 Interproximal brushes, dental floss, tongue cleaners, and oral irrigators are quality items that help you improve your dental hygiene.

Most of the oral bacteria are lodged on the tongue, under the tongue, and on the inside of the cheeks, so don’t forget to clean these areas!


A healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, is key. Avoid eating foods with added sugars or foods that are too acidic.

Avoid smoking

Tobacco is the great enemy of oral health. Smoking masks the symptoms of oral diseases, such as periodontitis.

Tabela Përmbledhëse