Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Although the child’s first teeth are temporary, they are still essential and sensitive to caries. As a matter of fact, tooth decay is the most common chronic infectious dental disease of early childhood. This is why you need to follow good dental hygiene habits at an early stage, in order to help in the prevention of tooth decay as well as other infections.

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When sweet liquids such as milk are introduced frequently into your baby’s mouth, sugars are trapped in the bacterial plaque (a sticky combination of saliva and bacteria that clings to the teeth). Bacteria break down natural sugars and start producing an acid by-product which attacks the enamel of the tooth. Each time your child consumes juices, formula along with other sweets, the process repeats itself and causes cavities, infections and a large number of other issues. Bottle wear often appears when children are put to bed or to sleep with bottles of milk or juice. Saliva flow is reduced and reservoirs of sweet liquid in the mouth as well as acids attack the teeth for a long period of time. Early childhood caries is also a usual condition in infants who breastfeed for a long time without brushing their teeth and also for infants who have their pacifiers often dipped in sugar, syrup and honey (a tactic that fortunately tends to be eliminated).

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Baby bottle tooth decay happens when sweetened liquids or liquids which contain natural sugars cling to infants’ teeth for a long time. Therefore, bacteria prosper on the sugary debris and start the creation of acids which begin to attack the teeth. 

The front teeth are more common to be affected, however any of your child’s teeth can be affected by baby bottle tooth decay. 

Baby teeth are essential for the growth and development of the children and serve as place holders for the future adult teeth. Thus, unhealthy baby teeth might lead to issues, such as:

  • Poor eating habits
  • Speech problems
  • Crooked teeth
  • Damaged adult teeth

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay? - Westermeier Martin Dental Care

Why You Should Worry About Baby Tooth Decay?

People who think that you must not worry about any cavities that occur in baby teeth as they fall out anyway, are wrong.

Early childhood decay can affect your baby’s oral health for the rest of their life. A tooth cavity cannot only cause tenderness, pain or discomfort but it might also require early extraction. To give an instance, if the first teeth come out too early due to caries, the remaining teeth might move out of space and leave no space for the permanent teeth.

On the contrary, permanent teeth do not align and cause additional issues. Severe cavities are also associated with a great number of systemic diseases – such as: heart disease and could also lead to life-threatening dental infections.

Signs of Decay or Infection

Dissimilar to cavities which can be found in permanent teeth that are hidden in cracks or between them, tooth decay commonly appears in the most visible part of the front teeth. The condition then moves to the lower teeth and ultimately attacks the molars. 

In the initial stages the dentist can detect and then treat the wear with simple restorative procedures. However, if the conditions progress to the point where degradation touches the tooth enamel, the decomposition process accelerates and requires further treatments. Therefore, it is recommended to take your child to a professional dentist as soon as possible, if they experience any of the following:

  • White spots on the enamel, especially along the gum line of the protruding teeth
  • Dark or black spots on the teeth
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Fever, edema, and irritability often indicate infection
  • Bad breath

Tooth decay - Wikipedia

Treatment for Tooth Decay Which is Appeared in Early Childhood

The treatment alternatives depend on your child’s age and the severity of their condition. The initial signs of tooth decay often include white spots on the oral surface of the enamel on the upper front teeth. At this stage, the dentist might recommend a fluoride treatment in order to assist in the removement and strengthening of the enamel.

This process reverses the effects of tooth decay and naturally it assists in the protection of the teeth. Furthermore, you can follow some dietary changes which could help, changes like this are such as: reducing sugary and acidic foods. If a cavity starts its formation, your child might experience several extensive restorations and treatments. Although, the extraction of the first teeth is used from your dentist as a last solution. 

Prevention Tips of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

The greatest approach to baby bottle tooth decay is prevention. If you really want to help take care of your baby’s teeth, you can take the following steps into consideration:

  1. Help your child in order to maintain a standard dental care. From birth to the age of 12 months you must brush your child’s gums and teeth after every feeding. Do this procedure gently wiping with a warm cloth or gauze. From 12 to 36 months, as more teeth come out, you must switch to a safe toothbrush and a fluoride free toothpaste as well as help them brush their teeth twice a day.
  2. Serve milk only during the consumption of meals. Juices along with other sugary drinks must be an alternative only on special occasions. Moreover, you should dilute any sugary drinks with water – half of each one. Remember: cavities from the amount and frequency of sugar intake, as well as for how long the substance remains in the mouth.
  3. Give your child water in the bottle or cup during the day. This not only assists in the depreciation of thirst, but it also increases saliva flow and helps flush harmful bacteria and sugar out of the mouth more often.
  4. Put a limit to sweets, starches and sticky foods. Foods such as candies, cookies, chips and cereals stick to the teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay. Instead of that, provide snacks such as cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits.
  5. Schedule an appointment for your child before his or her first birthday. Numerous parents consider it too early for their child’s initial dental visit. The truth is that your child’s teeth are in danger as soon as they pass through the gum line. Visiting the dentist at an early stage can help your baby become familiar with the dental clinic along with the dental procedures and learn how to keep their teeth healthy. The dentist can also provide preventative treatments which can be sealants and fluoride medications. These initial attempts are going to make all future procedures and visits more enjoyable experiences.

Tooth decay: babies, children & teenagers | Raising Children Network

How to Know When to Take Your Child to the Dentist?

If your baby’s teeth begin to occur uncharacteristically white, yellow or brown or even if your child starts to experience any pain or discomfort then they might be facing symptoms of baby bottle tooth decay. The dental treatments that are provided from your dentist, vary depending on the severity of the tooth decay.

White spots might become prevalent on the tooth enamel, at which point fluoride can serve as a solution to this issue, along with a reduction in sugar consumption and practicing good oral hygiene habits.

If tooth decay passes untreated, it might be spotted at later stages. During those stages, fluoride dental treatments will not be enough in order to reverse the tooth decay.

Symptoms of more severe tooth decay, include:

  • Brown or black spots on the teeth
  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Fever, swelling or irritability, which could be an indication of infection
  • Bad breath

If your baby is experiencing more severe symptoms of baby bottle decay, it is required to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Leaving the teeth untreated might lead to extreme dental issues or loss of the teeth.

If you are concerned about your child’s oral hygiene you can schedule an appointment with the professional and well-trained dentists of City Dental Clinic. We assure you the most effective and quick dental treatments for you and your child. Contact our specialized team now!

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