7 Things that Your Tongue Can Tell About Your Health – Pay Attention to the Signs

The human body is a kind of mechanism which when everything is fine, it works perfectly. However, there are numerous times that our body sends us signals and messages when something goes wrong. The problem is whether we can observe those signs as well as understand what they mean specifically, as they might indicate a more severe problem. An organ that literally “speaks” and “rings the bell” for a possible health issue is – our tongue. It might seem strange but the health of our tongue can tell us a lot about the things that are going on in our body and that we cannot detect them.

5 Things a White Tongue May Reveal About Your Health

What are the 7 Signs that our Tongue Shows About Our Health

Maybe our tongue is a kind of “signal” of our health that does come initially in our mind. However, changes in the appearance and sensation of the tongue could be an early sign of a possible illness.

Some of those problems might not be essential and can be resolved easily and quickly, while some others might be more serious. If you detect any of the following changes in your tongue, you might need to consult a doctor or dentist.

  • A strawberry tongue

The description means a swollen and uneven tongue. Commonly, a tongue that is in this condition might have a red or often white color. In cases like this, the surface of the tongue resembles a strawberry or raspberry.

Let us detect which diseases are associated with the strawberry tongue condition:

  • Kawasaki disease. This disease causes inflammation in certain arteries and commonly affects children.
  • Dengue. Dengue fever is a bacterial infection which can appear in the case of streptococcus. It appears most often in children which are aged from five to fifteen years old.
  • Allergies to food or medicine. Swollen tongue might be due to an inflammation from an allergic reaction.
  • Toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock is a rare complication of using tampons or nasal gauze pads. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus commonly causes this disease just like other bacteria.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency. If you suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency you might detect the change in your tongue which will become like a strawberry.
  • Inflammatory syndrome of multiple systems in children (MIS-C). This is a rare syndrome that can appear in children who are infected with COVID-19. While most children with COVID-19 are mildly or asymptomatic, there are several reports that some children might have this complication, which can be serious and dangerous.
    • If you notice this phenomenon, you should talk to your doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Some of these conditions, such as B12 deficiency, are easily corrected, while others, such as toxic shock syndrome, are much more serious.
    • If you think you might have toxic shock syndrome or an acute allergic reaction, you should seek medical attention immediately.
  • A tongue with black bristles

It might seem daunting, but it is to all intents and purposes a harmless condition, commonly temporary and painless. Black hairs on the tongue come from the accumulation of dead skin cells on the papilla (tiny protrusions) which are located on the surface of the tongue.

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health | Breckenridge Dental

However, those papillae are larger than they should normally be, so they easily trap food debris, bacteria, tobacco or other substances. This can change our taste or even cause bad breath. 

Possible causes or factors which contribute to this condition, are:

  • Changes in normal oral bacteria after using antibiotics
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth
  • Regular use of mouthwashes containing irritating oxidizing agents, such as peroxide.
  • Use of tobacco
  • Intake of excessive amount of coffee or black tea
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Diet with soft foods that do not help exfoliate dead tongue cells

The treatment of this issue is the elimination of the causes and good oral hygiene. In any case, you must consult a dentist if you are concerned, especially if the issue is not resolved after improving oral hygiene.

  • Tongue with white plate surface

This condition happens when the papillae of the tongue swell. Residues, bacteria and dead cells that accumulate between the papilla whiten the surface of the tongue. This condition is also called papilla hypertrophy or inflammation and can occur due to the following:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking or other use of tobacco by mouth
  • Alcohol use (excessive)
  • Mouth breathing
  • Diet with soft or mashed foods (consumption of mainly soft or mashed foods)
  • Irritation from sharp edges of teeth or dental tools
  • Fever
  • This condition could be a simple infection, or signs of a more serious condition. If you notice that the condition persists, consult your doctor.
  • Geographic tongue

This situation is called benign migratory glossitis and in this part the tongue has smooth, reddish patches surrounded by white marks. This pattern is reminiscent of a map, hence the name.

Tongue & Oral Health in TX | General Dentistry Services Beaumont

The geographic tongue does not cause long-term issues, is not contagious and the majority of people do not have severe symptoms. Some people might feel a burning or tingling sensation in their tongue, but commonly no treatment is required.

People who have Reiter’s psoriasis syndrome are more likely to experience the phenomenon of geographic tongue. Women who take contraceptive hormones are also more likely to experience this effect. Other causes are deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, such as: zinc, iron, folic acid or B6 & B12, diabetes, allergies or emotional stress.

The geographic tongue is a condition that can stay for a while, disappear and even last for weeks or years. If you are worried then you can consult your dentist and doctor.

  • Fungal stomatitis

Fungal stomatitis occurs when the fungus Candida albicans infects the oral cavity. Candida is commonly present in our mouths, but is generally eliminated.

White marks on the tongue are commonly a sign of fungal stomatitis and can also occur on the inner lining of the cheeks, palate, gums, tonsils, or back of the throat.

If your immune system completes its work properly then fungal stomatitis is not something that is serious and can be eliminated quickly. In spite of that, it can become severe in immunosuppressed people, who might develop a more serious systemic infection.

You can have the opportunity to prevent fungal stomatitis with proper oral hygiene by avoiding high-sugar foods, maintaining your blood sugar in control if you have diabetes and treating any dental conditions, such as dry mouth and other oral or dental infections in a timely and proper way.

Oral Lichen Planus and Malignant Transformation

  • Oral lichen planus

Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory condition which affects the oral mucosa. This can cause white lacy patches, red swollen tissues or open sore on the tongue or inside the mouth.

This oral condition is not contagious and commonly appears when the immune system attacks the cells of the oral mucosa. It can cause a painful burning sensation and make us more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures or cause discomfort when speaking, chewing or swallowing.

Experts still do not know what causes lichen planus. Although, if you notice any deterioration of your condition, you must undoubtedly consult your dentist and doctor – it might lead to the risk of developing oral cancer, so you will be in need of constant medical monitoring.

  • Blisters on the tongue

If you experience any persistent blisters on your tongue, then the best solution for you is to consult your dentist. Blisters on your tongue might be a sign of oral cancer. Other symptoms of oral cancer, include:

  • unusually whitish or reddish color of the oral cavity
  • growths or bumps in the mouth
  • loose teeth
  • numbness in the face or neck
  • chewing or swallowing problems
  • difficulty speaking

Even if you are not experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should continue being careful. If it is an early sign of cancer, the sooner it is diagnosed the better the chance of a cure. 

7 Signs Your Mouth Sore is Something Serious – Cleveland Clinic

Take Care of your Tongue’s Health

There are numerous health conditions that could cause symptoms in the tongue as well as in the oral cavity. Some of them might be minor with an easy treatment, but some can be life-threatening.

However, if you notice any changes in the appearance or sensation of your tongue, you must consult the professional and well-prepared staff of City Dental Clinic.

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