Need a full mouth reconstruction? Here is everything you need!

Full Mouth Reconstruction. Dental Clinic in Albania

Best Dental Clinic in Albania

If you have multiple oral problems that have caused discomfort for a long time, you could be a good prospect to apply an oral reconstruction and once and for all, alleviate your ill’s. This practice is performed by an oral specialist who combines multiple treatments both aesthetic and neuromuscular and seeks to complete all healing expectations from different angles.

We can understand that orthodontic appliances are quite useful when it comes to fixing different posture problems in the jaw, but even if it is in perfect position, some of the remaining teeth may leave some inconvenience that should be intervened immediately. That is why there are restorative and esthetic treatments, such as dental crowns, implants, inlays, among many others. All of them are created only to give you back a perfect and painless smile.

When is it necessary to proceed with a full mouth reconstruction?

As we have explained previously, this treatment intends to restore functionality to teeth that are already too worn or abused by multiple causes that are not always natural. Among these reasons we can observe:

● Dental crown breakage:

This is common in children in exploration ages, this can occur through an impact strong enough to break the inside of the tooth, that is still weak and forming. A common example is riding a bicycle for the first time, and the constant falls that this requires.

But this is not exclusive to them. As adults, we can have different incidents that also lead us to fracture our teeth, and with a major problem: Our teeth will not come out again. Therefore, a tooth with a dent can be a source of problems for a person concerned about their physical appearance. Although it is not the only reason to practice this procedure, as it is important to inspect the tooth to make sure there is no damage to the supporting tissues of the tooth.

Dental trauma is problematic, as it can compromise the functionality of the tooth or jawbone. In addition, they can hasten tooth decay or make it difficult for the person’s daily life.

If the breakage of the tooth is not total, in other words, there is not an entire loss and it is only the front part of it, there need not be big. This can be solved quickly with a dental reconstruction.

● Proliferation of caries

Ironically, the dental filling that we place inside the cavity hole can be considered a dental reconstruction.

This procedure is done after the deep cleaning of the cavity has been completed, and proceeds by filling the remaining void in the tooth so that there are no infections from accumulated food or stored bacteria because the toothbrush cannot reach deep enough to clean properly.


If the decay has caused the base of the tooth to become infected and is at risk of losing its functionality, the correct thing to do is to proceed with a root canal to remove the damaged tissues to preserve the tooth base and not infect the other surrounding tissues. It should be noted that this is the last resort to cure a damaged tooth and is quite complicated to perform since it requires a deep cleaning of the tooth.

Types and treatments of dental reconstruction

Not all people are the same, so not all treatments will work for different types of patients. Depending on the severity of the problem and the individual’s preferences, there are multiple choices they can make. For example, fixing a broken tooth for aesthetic preferences is not the same as reconstructing a diseased tooth or a tooth previously treated with another type of technique.

Among the different types of dental reconstruction treatments, we can find: 

● Composite

If the patient has had a partial fracture in the dentition, an easy way to solve it is by applying composite quickly and simply. It is one of the most chosen treatments among patients and one of the most common to apply.

It should be noted that the finish of the composite is very realistic, so it can come to resemble the color of the other teeth without having to interfere with the aesthetics of the patient and does not have to affect or bother when chewing.

● Dental veneers

Once again we come across a mostly esthetic treatment, which is most commonly used on the front teeth since they are the ones that are most affected by their appearance. They consist of tiny plates that are adjusted depending on the size of the tooth and help to restore the tone, shape, and even how the tooth is located. Therefore, we can say that this treatment is in charge of touching up your smile rather than rebuilding it.

They have two main materials, among them composite, which we have already talked about previously, and porcelain, which is less used.

● Reconstruction using fiberglass pins

It is a slightly more complex treatment and is aimed at those people who have already had endodontic treatment before dental reconstruction, so the reason for doing it is that the base of the tooth has already deteriorated and is not strong enough to support the dental weight.

To provide the strength that the tooth needs, a dental sheath is made where a fiberglass pin is installed to support the tooth needs, a dental sheath is made where a fiberglass pin is installed to support the tooth. It is worth mentioning that this material is incredibly resistant and non-corrosive, besides it gives a natural shade to the tooth, therefore it does not influence the dental esthetics.

It is a treatment not used in a conventional way, but it is quite effective and it will be the professional who will determine if it can be used or not. It is usually applied on the back or middle teeth that are in charge of the chewing process of the people. Although they are very resistant, other alternatives are more expensive and advantageous, such as zirconium ones. But this option depends on the patient’s budget.

● Dental Inlay

It is an intervention with intermediate complexity and is usually applied only to molar teeth that are no longer functional or have been fractured.

For the specialist to consider your case for a dental inlay it is essential that the teeth to be intervened have a normal dental base and that they have not been victims of caries or other types of deteriorating diseases such as cavities, in addition to the patient having maintained good dental hygiene. It is carried out with multiple materials such as porcelain or composite, which are more reliable and resistant for this type of treatment.

Aftercare after surgery

After any type of surgical intervention there will be some discomfort or pain that can be easily cured depending on the depth of the intervention. In this case, if there is some pain, the specialist may send some type of analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication.


When leaving the office, it is important to have a person accompanying the patient, since the results of the anesthesia will still be present in the body for a few hours. Therefore, it is not advisable to drive or leave the place alone to avoid inconveniences.

Most likely the patient has been prescribed a diet based on liquids and soft things that do not have very high temperatures, to avoid even more bleeding than expected. This can last up to three weeks, again depending on the type of intervention, the patient, and the severity of the case. It is also important to take into account that the specialist sends a specific type of mouthwash to ensure the healing of the gum, this with a natural antibiotic that collaborates with the saturation of the oral wound and does not allow the entry of bacteria that can complicate the recovery and bring even more problems.

Finally, it should be noted that you should visit the dentist regularly to evaluate how the recovery process is progressing. It is important to have these routine check-ups, otherwise dental reconstruction could cause problems if there is something to correct.

Tabela Përmbledhëse

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It is easy to find dental clinics that do this work, but if we need a full mouth reconstruction at an incredible cost in Albania, we need to visit City Dental Clinic, located in the city of Tirana. You save up to 50% on your treatments without having to compromise on quality, in addition to offering multiple treatments with the best professionals and the latest technology.

Each patient is different, so there will be multiple reasons for undergoing a treatment like this. But the professionals can say that some more specific and objective reasons make this treatment one of the most requested internationally. One of them is that it is a very safe procedure to perform and that it has a very high success rate, thus making it more advisable for different types of conditions and diseases.

It should be noted that there does not have to be so much pain involved, it could be said that it is one of the surgeries that cause less pain. There are only some minor discomforts in the recovery process, but nothing that a normal person cannot handle. It is also not an extremely expensive investment, no more than having a cavity or periodontal surgery. Therefore, we will not have to worry about saving months to be able to access it. And some dental clinics even offer financing plans to make it even cheaper and easier for all social statuses.

This depends a lot on the case and the patient. If we need to perform the direct filling, this could last from half an hour to a whole hour. The more complicated the patient’s case, the longer the surgery will take. Dental crowns or other types of prosthesis need several dental appointments, up to three. Each one will serve to remove the damaged material and take the calculations to make the materials that will be implanted in the tooth.

This also depends on the case, but as mentioned above, these treatments are not very painful unless they have a very high level of severity, and even then, everything will be done under general or local anesthesia.

  • Although after what we have explained and some advantages have already been raised, we can directly tell you some that you can acquire by choosing this type of treatment, among them:


  • Total improvement of the teeth, which will allow you to wear a perfect smile.


  • The teeth will have greater mobility, thus facilitating the chewing process.


  • It will remove the discomfort when speaking or showing your teeth to the public.


  • They have great resistance, so you will not have to worry about taking care of them excessively. With good care and strong material, they can last more than 15 years without problems.