Best food for oral health.

Talking about food is indirectly talking about our health and the state of our body. The foods we eat, how we eat them, and when we eat them are important for health because as they say out there, you are what you eat.

If you eat healthy, low fat, and good protein you will surely be healthy and ready for anything. While if you only stick to fatty, high calorie, and high sugar food, it is certain that your body will present poor health in every part of it, where your mouth will not be free from harm.

Teeth, gums, tongue, and the inside of the mouth are all affected by food in a big way. So, maintaining a healthy, bright smile and strong, pink gums goes a little beyond our usual care, such as brushing after every meal, flossing, and mouthwash.

Too many carbohydrates from sugars (like cake, cookies, and candies) and savory foods and starches (like pretzels and potato chips) can cause tooth decay. The more often you eat and snack, the more frequently you’re exposing your teeth to the cycle of decay. The time between meals allows saliva to wash away food particles that bacteria would otherwise feast on. Frequent snacking, without brushing immediately afterward, gives bacteria constant fuel.

However, don’t be alarmed, taking care of your mouth and still enjoying your favorite food is possible.

You just have to vary you’re eating routine a little to make it according to your body’s needs in terms of nutrients or vitamins, which allows you to continue showing off your smile and fresh breath with confidence.

Among the main food groups, you should consider are the fruits, vegetables, and additives you will see below:

Fruits to keep your teeth strong.

● Apple: Apples help us to keep our mouth cleaner and healthier thanks to their chewing. Apples clean the surface of our teeth while strengthening our gums. Apple consumption is essential to avoid plaque build-up and periodontal diseases.

● Kiwi: Kiwifruit is high in vitamin C, even more than oranges, providing approximately 80% of the amount we need every day. Thanks to that, it helps to maintain the collagen in our gums, thus avoiding different types of dental infections and improving our immune system.

● Watermelon: Watermelon is full of vitamins A and C, minerals, and potassium, qualities that help maintain oral health. In addition, thanks to its high-water content, it also helps clean the surface of teeth and gums.

● Strawberry: Strawberries are arguably one of the best foods for our teeth. Thanks to the fact that it contains a property called Xylitol, it helps eliminate bacteria from our teeth, preventing plaque build-up and the possible affection of dental caries. In addition, thanks to its properties, it strengthens tooth enamel.

● Avocado: Its compounds help to eliminate cancerous cells found in our oral cavity. In addition, it is also very beneficial for our skin and general health, in a moderate amount.

● Raspberry: The raspberry, along with other red fruits, is an antioxidant fruit noted for its high fiber and vitamin C content. Like other fruits with this vitamin, it helps the absorption of iron, essential to maintain bones and teeth in perfect condition.

● Peach: Thanks to its antioxidant function, it prevents aging and deterioration of mouth tissues and the appearance of cancerous processes. It also helps to maintain the hydration of the mucous membranes, protecting against cavities and other infections.

Vegetables to take care of the health of your mouth.

● Celery: Celery contains malic acid, which helps increase saliva, which in turn cleans teeth and removes stains.

● Carrot: Like celery and apple, its firm texture forces you to chew, and that influences its ability to help remove (a little only) bacterial plaque from the tooth surface.

● Spinach: This and other green leafy vegetables that need to be chewed for a while, stimulate the secretion of saliva and, therefore, neutralize acid and clean the teeth.

● Tomatoes: The fluoride contained in tomatoes contributes to the remineralization of tooth enamel, increases its resistance, and helps control bacterial activity. In other words, it helps prevent caries in three different ways.

● Zucchini: Among its components, it contains an important level of phosphorus and calcium, which provide firmness to the teeth during the creation of its structure.

● Broccoli: A natural tooth cleaner full of vitamin C and K that strengthen bones and help the blood to clot properly.

● Sweet potatoes: With their highly healthy vitamin A content, eating sweet potatoes helps preserve the keratin protein that contributes to the creation of tooth enamel.

● Onion: While you mightn’t fancy taking a bite of raw onion, peppering your salads or stir-fries with raw onion will help strengthen your teeth. The humble onion works to eradicate damaging bacteria both in the mouth and the body more generally, making it a bona fide superfood.

Snack foods that take care of your teeth.

● Sugar-free chewing gums: Sugar-free chewing gums have non-caloric sweeteners that help prevent tooth decay. They may contain minerals that improve the remineralization process of teeth, such as calcium, fluoride, and phosphate.

● Dairy products: Both milk and its derivatives are foods that provide calcium. Therefore, their consumption helps to strengthen teeth, protect them from wear and tear and remineralize them. Of course, the idea is to eat those that do not contain added sugars.

● Nuts and seeds: Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and seeds such as white sesame or poppy seeds are foods in which calcium is highlighted. In this sense, if you incorporate them into your diet, you help protect tooth enamel.

● Green tea: In tea, like vegetables and fruits there is a considerable contribution of polyphenols, of all the types that exist, green tea has more of these compounds, so it exerts an important antibacterial effect. Therefore, it is an ally to protect the gums and prevent bad breath.

● Green leafy vegetables: It forces you to chew more insistently, which strengthens the gums and produces a large amount of saliva. As if that weren’t enough, leafy greens contain nitrate, which can help keep chronic gingivitis at bay.

● Salmon: Salmon is packed full of both vitamin D and calcium, making it an all-around superfood for helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

But of course, a change in diet needs not only to add foods but also to reduce or completely take out others to achieve the perfect balance to eliminate the less advantageous food. And with it the bad habits we may have, as this is not only beneficial for our mouth, but also our eating habits, so read on!

foods that can help your oral care

What foods to avoid to improve your oral health?

Foods that favor the appearance of cavities and other dental diseases have the first place among what you should reduce in your diet little by little until you exclude them. Among them, sweets and candies deserve a special mention because of their high sugar content, which is transformed into acids and demineralizes the enamel, as well as complex carbohydrates, such as coffee.

They are followed by acidic foods; carbonated and sugary drinks; acidic fruits such as lemon and grapefruit; wine; or foods containing starch.

And finally red and black teas, wine, dark-colored fruit juices, some sauces (soy, Modena vinegar, curry), and vegetables such as beets, since creating long-lasting stains on the teeth that will damage the aesthetics of your smile.

Zinc-rich foods that help your breath.

Since oral health is not only about having strong and shiny teeth, but also about having good breath after every brushing and between meals. It is important to know what kind of foods we can add to our daily routine that can naturally help us to keep our breath pleasant for us and others.

Among some foods you can add to your next grocery list are:

● Fish and seafood.
● Red meat.
● Eggs.
● Lentils and nuts such as almonds and cashews.
● Green tea.
● Apple.
● Orange
● Yogurt.

And of course, don’t forget to combine these new foods in your diet with a good amount of water!

Water is a healthy drink that does not contain sugars. Not only does it help to keep you hydrated and maintain a balanced diet, but it also prevents dry mouth and helps to keep our mouths clean. Water also shows different benefits for your oral health, among them:

● Strengthen your teeth and help prevent cavities.
● Keep your mouth fresh and clean.
● Eliminate acids and food debris.
● Combat dry mouth by helping saliva neutralize the pH, creating the best defense against cavities.
● Keep your teeth strong by brushing them with calcium, phosphate, and fluoride.

Introducing these foods to your daily diet, brushing your teeth, flossing and mouthwash will be the key to greatly improve your oral health.

You will make sure you do not have cavities, suffer from diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis, and your general health will see a positive change in terms of energy.

Do not waste time and get ready to have strong teeth, healthy gums, and all the desire to go out and enjoy gastronomy!

4 best dental options to replace missing teeth

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