How Often Should You Brush Your Teeth?

Follow these tips to brush your teeth in a healthy way!

Our mouth is a kind of portal of entry for multiple types of organisms that can be both beneficial, such as those we obtain through food intake, as well as negative, such as bacteria. The remaining food that is left between the teeth can begin to break down in the oral cavity without us noticing it immediately.

And through this, we create constant breeding grounds of bacteria between the tooth lines that can lead to multiple types of diseases and problems. In fact, this is not only limited to the mouth, as harmful microorganisms can also reach the inside of our organs and create serious diseases.

The only way to properly sanitize our oral cavity is by choosing a quality toothbrush that allows us to reach the deepest recesses of our teeth and remove the remaining food, as well as eliminating those that have been there too long and are at risk of becoming bacteria.

In addition to the toothbrush, it is important to choose a good toothpaste. Not all toothpastes are suitable for all types of people, and they also have age restrictions so as not to complicate the growth process of children’s teeth. The main function of toothpaste is to make brushing more intense and to balance the bacterial flora in the mouth, in addition to eliminating bad odor.

How many times a day do we need to brush our teeth?

Although constant and frequent brushing is the only way to avoid oral diseases such as dental caries or periodontitis, we do not need to do it too frequently as it can be harmful to us. Excessive brushing could lead to the mucous membranes of our mouth starting to dry out, spontaneous irritation and alteration of the bacterial flora of our oral cavity, creating even more problems than those we already had without brushing.

The ideal number of times to brush your teeth is only three times a day, and all of them after eating. There is no problem in brushing four times, but exceeding this number on a constant basis can only be detrimental. An example of this is that if you have already brushed your teeth before breakfast, there is no need to do it afterwards. Just rinsing your mouth with a little mouthwash is enough and you will have a good breath until lunchtime if your oral health is good, or if you brush well.

Occasions when it is not necessary to brush our teeth immediately.

Although we have said that there should be brushing after eating, there are specific scenarios where we cannot do it to promote our oral health. For example, after eating foods with a high level of acidity or large amounts of sugar.

When ingesting this type of food the pH of the teeth is altered a little by the amount of strong components they contain, therefore the ideal would be to wait at least 40 minutes before proceeding with the dental cleaning so that the dental pH stabilizes again and there are no problems that could damage the tooth enamel.

Although we have said that there should be brushing after eating, there are specific scenarios where we cannot do it to promote our oral health. For example, after eating foods with a high level of acidity or large amounts of sugar.

When ingesting this type of food the pH of the teeth is altered a little by the amount of strong components they contain, therefore the ideal would be to wait at least 40 minutes before proceeding with the dental cleaning so that the dental pH stabilizes again and there are no problems that could damage the tooth enamel.

How long should we clean our teeth and why?

This depends a lot on each type of teeth. There is no exact measure by which you should brush your teeth. But, we can give you an estimate to keep them healthy and that is approximately three minutes of brushing. This all depends on the number of teeth you have, the health of your dental cavity and whether you have any appliances that correct the position of your teeth, whether braces or other types of orthodontics.

Excessive brushing for too long could also damage your teeth irreparably, as you would be creating microscopic lesions in the enamel layer. To improve the strength of the tooth enamel we recommend eating a lot of fruits and vegetables that have a good amount of minerals.

Tips to consider when brushing your teeth.

From CDC we will give you some recommendations on how to brush your teeth correctly and how to maintain proper dental health to avoid uncomfortable visits for dental problems that could have been easily avoided:
When brushing, it is important to keep your toothbrush moist for a few seconds before putting the toothpaste on it, so you can remove the old residue that could not be removed with the previous brushing.

  • When you put the toothpaste on the toothbrush, make sure the amount is the size of a bean or similar to a bean. You don’t need large amounts of toothpaste to clean your mouth better, what will really make a difference is the quality of the brushing and the type of toothbrush you use.
  • The lower part of the jaw is the one that is mainly cleaned, then brush the second part which is the upper part, and then make a combination between both parts.
  • The correct way to place the toothbrush in our mouth for a good brushing is about 40 degrees as to the position of the teeth.
  • Divide the brushing areas with different techniques to make the cleaning more effective. For example, the top of the molars should be cleaned gently and circularly.
  • Remember that the tongue is also part of your mouth, so cleaning it is important to contribute to dental health and avoid bad breath. There are some brushes that have a special side to clean the tongue or there are specialized tools for cleaning the tongue called “tongue scrapers”.
  • To finish brushing, pass the brush lightly across the gums to make sure not to break or hurt them.
  • After eating, if you are away from home and have not taken your toothbrush with you, rinse your mouth with mineral water. This will prevent odor immediately and give you time to get home to brush, and if you can, make sure that dental floss is a must-have tool in your purse or bag.

What is the right way to brush the teeth of the little ones at home?

One of the most frequent visits to the dentist when it comes to children is the very early formation of dental cavities in the oral cavity, especially in the molars. The fact that it is common does not mean that it is unimportant, since oral cavities at such an early age can end up in major problems that can affect the pulp tissue of the child and that will cause pain for the rest of his or her life.

Even if the tooth is extracted, a malocclusion may develop and even interfere with the child’s natural way of speaking. Therefore, it is important to know that your child’s dental hygiene is just as important as the average adult’s, and in fact we could consider it even more important than the average adult’s, as this is the stage when the lifelong cleaning habits are founded!

You will only need two minutes of your time to do all the teeth cleaning, and to make it fun you can do it in didactic ways that will attract your little one’s attention. Also, if he has a hard time staying focused on time, you can help him by putting him on a timer and have him complete his cleaning, which obviously, must be supervised by us.

As with adults, the best way to do it is from the bottom up, and focus on the molars to avoid food accumulation. If the child is still very young, for example, a baby, dental cleaning should also be encouraged but with a wet gauze, even if he/she does not have teeth. Since the gums are still there and can easily become infected.

When the baby is more than three years old, we can encourage the use of a toothbrush handled by us only. There are children’s toothbrushes with softer bristles that adapt to the hygienic needs of a baby, and also specialized toothpaste for the stage they are in. It should be noted that it is important not to use too much toothpaste as it can have terrible consequences on the growth of the tooth.

After the age of four the child can begin to use a similar amount of toothpaste as an adult but with parental supervision to comply with the cleaning.
Do you want to get more in-depth information about how to take care of your teeth? Visit us at City Dental Clinic in Tirana, Albania, and we will be happy to answer all your questions! We have a wide range of specialists in the field who are trained to perform major dental surgeries. In addition to this we maintain competitive prices that will surely suit your needs!

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