Emax Crowns vs Zirconia Crowns. Which is the best appearance and quality?

Choose between emax crowns vs zirconia crowns and get the best appearance and quality.

Both dental crowns are made with very different materials and characteristics from each other, but when deciding which one is the best for our case and placing it in a treatment, it is essential to take into account each of the specifications and problems that may occur individually.

Dental crowns are essential in different types of dental techniques in order to solve small oral problems such as:

Restoring aesthetics to teeth that have been affected by caries in a very advanced stage.

Dental caries are part of the most common diseases at a general level. In fact, it can be said that up to 70% of the population has suffered from tooth decay at some time, especially adults over 38 years of age. In this disease there is a great amount of damage to the tooth enamel that causes the tooth to become hollow and very sensitive to the touch, therefore there can be great pain and even loss of teeth.

One of the solutions after removing the tooth decay, is to apply a dental crown to restore aesthetics and functionality to the damaged tooth. Because in particular caries can eat away the entire tooth and leave gaps around the area.

Maintain a dental bridge in case you have lost several teeth or molars.

It is common that if there are empty spaces in our mouth after the extraction or fall of a tooth, the adjacent teeth decay to fill the gap, but this is not very aesthetic and not very healthy.

This type of displacement can cause multiple problems in our mouth, such as dental malocclusion, which in addition to how uncomfortable it can be can also develop a temporomandibular joint disorder or bruxism. The placement of the dental bridge on a crown that has a strong resistance can manage to edit the incorrect bite and facilitate other functions. In addition, of course, to give us the aesthetic benefit of not having crooked teeth.

Assist in different oral implantology techniques.

In case you lose some or different dental pieces, one of the most used solutions are implants, and its effectiveness is masterful compared to other types of treatment. The best thing is that besides being esthetic, they are also functional.

The functionality of the dental crown comes after the implant has been placed with a screw, to be able to return an appearance quite similar to a natural tooth and to be able to perform the basic functions of a tooth.

Zirconia Crowns

We enter our main topic and we start with Zirconium crowns which is a great solution for people who want to return their teeth to their usual aesthetics.

And not only that, in fact they are also a quite resistant material that gives extra support or reinforcement to the tooth in case it has had a malformation or any mishap that weakens its natural strength. In fact, it can also be a very functional and trouble-free substitute.

Thanks to zirconium dental crowns, our patients can recover those functions that were previously deficient and can avoid the danger of a missing tooth, such as erosion of the others around it.

(It should be noted that in the case of a missing tooth or if it needs to be removed from the mouth, it is absolutely necessary to reinforce the area with a dental crown. This technique is no longer optional unless the doctor says otherwise).

The use of this particular material in the area of dentistry is somewhat recent compared to others such as porcelain or metal.

It is whitish in color and because of this it can offer quite natural and effective results for those who want to keep their teeth without any editing. The best thing is that there is no metal area anywhere, which makes it quite attractive.

Thanks to these aforementioned features, dentists all over the world blindly recommend zirconia crowns to replace or reinforce teeth that are in plain sight, because you don’t even notice their thickness inside the tooth.

Advantages of zirconium dental crowns

  • Arguably, they are one of the most esthetic types of crowns currently in use.
  • One of the most incredible benefits is that they are 100% made of zirconium, so they do not change their color over time.
  • There is no metal so it is totally valid for people who are allergic to it and do not like this type of material on their teeth.
  • Patients have the ability to decide the shade of color they need for their teeth.
  • Zirconia crowns do not wear easily, in fact they can last much longer than a metal crown. And the best part is that there is no color wear.
  •  Since all of the material from which these dental crowns are made is all white, they have the benefit that patients who suffer from receding gums do not get the unsightly contrast that can easily happen with metal/porcelain crowns.

    Zirconia is one of the most biocompatible materials ever used in this type of implant dentistry. This means that few people will complain of allergies or discomfort.
    Indeed, one of the greatest benefits of zirconium crowns is their material. They have the same strength and resistance of a metal dental crown, but still have the same delicacy and aesthetics as a completely natural tooth.

In fact, after its placement, the patient will most likely not be able to differentiate the dental crown from the other dental pieces.
And besides this, it has enough strength to function like any other tooth, so we will not have to worry about being careful when chewing for fear of pain.

And finally, one of the things that has been improved in this type of dental crowns, is that it does not happen the same as with the metal ones, which can even damage or darken the periodontal area. Zirconium crowns will always remain clean and clear because there is no possibility of them staining the tooth.

Disadvantages of zirconia dental crowns

Every positive thing needs to have at least some disadvantages, and this is no exception for zirconia crowns.
The first and, we believe, the only disadvantage that this material has for us, is its high economic cost because it is not a simple and easily editable material. Zirconium needs advanced technology to be able to be made and edited to the patient’s taste and mold, therefore it is necessary to invest in specialized prosthetic laboratories.
Besides this, zirconium dental crowns do not really have a disadvantage that could lower the standards it is currently at. Although its recent use could play against it as not everyone feels confident to use something new and innovative, but it is only a matter of time.

E-max crowns

This type of crowns are quite light and thin, therefore they are ideal to disguise small color mistakes in our teeth or in their general structure. The material with which E-Max crowns are made is a ceramic made through lithium silicate glass, and is reinforced with a layer of leucite through a layer of crystalline and glass. Therefore it is totally resistant and unique, which makes this product one of the best options to use.

Although usually the placement of crowns is not painful, with E-max crowns you really feel almost nothing and it is very unintrusive. They are practically evolved crowns and are becoming more and more relevant among patients who come to our clinic specifically looking for this type of crowns.

This picture shows emax crowns and their quality and appearance

Advantages of E-Max dental crowns.

  • One of the most notable advantages of this type of dental crowns is their durability thanks to the materials with which they are made. Its lithium disilicate base helps to restructure the dental piece without the need to be forced on the tooth. In addition, they have a great benefit and that is their transparent color that allows them to get along very well with real teeth, without having much difference in color.

    E-max crowns have provided our patients with excellent esthetic results without failing in their functionality. In fact, through multiple studies with different specialists it has been proven that this type of material is very little prone to suffer any crack or fracture through trauma.
  • It does not have metal alloys in its bases, so there will not be a color difference in the tooth due to the metal. In addition to this it is compatible for people with allergies to this material.
  • They have very reliable long term results, lasting up to 15 years if kept clean and with at least an annual check-up.
  • It is not an aggressive procedure like other types of crowns which are painful to apply and besides this they have a good cost in spite of their excellent quality.
  •  They are not sensitive to different temperature changes, it does not affect eating time in terms of functionality or taste, it remains stable and does not cause allergies in the mouth.
  • They do not need a previous preparation on the teeth to be applied or in case of needing it, it is really minimal compared to the placement of metal or porcelain crowns.

And the best thing is that when they are placed, they are not even noticeable. They are the same as a normal tooth, and they do not have too annoying side effects, and even in most cases where their application is needed, there are no side effects.

Disadvantages of E-Max dental crowns.

In particular, this procedure does not have a disadvantage that is too noticeable or that lowers its quality. Only that they have a somewhat high cost compared to a metal and porcelain dental crown, thanks to the fact that a specific laboratory and professionals in the area are needed to make an E-Max dental crown that fits the specifications needed by the patient.

The lithium disilicate ceramic is a very high quality material, so it is somewhat expensive to obtain and edit it. But if you do not have problems with money and the dentist allows you to use E-Max dental crowns, then we can say that there are no disadvantages, although this depends on the particular patient.

Which one is better for me?

We cannot give you a generalized answer, because each material needs the context in which the patient is in order to decide if it is the best for you. It is true that these types of materials are becoming more and more popular and are replacing the old ones made of metal, ceramic, among others. But each of them has a different function and the particular case must be analyzed to choose, or also the patient’s preferences.

This picture shows an example of how emax crowns will look

For example, we can observe that:

Zirconium crowns are increasingly used for their functional and aesthetic benefits, in addition to the fact that it is a fairly resistant material and adaptable to different characteristics of the teeth. In addition to its biocompatibility with our mouth and that it is suitable for different types of procedures.

Glass-ceramic and lithium disilicate crowns are superior in terms of aesthetics, as they have a greater power of aesthetic adaptation than other types of dental crowns. And they look much better in treatments that are not as heavy in functionality, but heavy in esthetics. Although they also have a great resistance that makes them ideal for replacing teeth.

And both are suitable for various types of teeth, although not for all. Therefore the situation would have to be analyzed, and for this it is necessary to attend mainly to the dentist to give his professional view and enlighten us in the situation. But in general terms, at present we cannot say which one is better than the other because their benefits are practically equal. At this point, it is a matter of preference.

For a more detailed information please contact one of our specialists.

Tabela Përmbledhëse